Monday, October 02, 2006

So yeah…I almost burned my office down today….

A few days ago I noticed (luckly by boiling water) that the microwave timer was broke. I came back into the break room after five minutes and the timer was still stuck on 3 min. Its just not moving anymore…its an old microwave. Anyhoo, I did what any responsible employee would do and posted a big sign (ok it was a post it note but whatever) that said: “STAND-BY NUKING ONLY – TIMER BROKE!!!!” How responsible am I!!!

So this afternoon I threw a bag of popcorn in there, and walked away, knowing that Id smell it at my desk when it was ready…no biggie. Well, somewhere in that three minutes, I noticed I had some UPS labels that needed to go out on some shipments in the warehouse. Flighty McSpacecadet picks them up for a leisurely 7 minute stroll into the warehouse.

As Im walking back, I see my boss pop out of the door WAY down at the other end of the warehouse (she’s a good 100 yards away screaming, “Did ya forget something?” Now, sometimes I take the golf cart when Im heading down to the shipping & receiving office but since I’m dieting and trying to burn calories, I opted to walk it. Im thinking, “No! I didn’t take the golf cart. It should be right there by you.”…..walk, walk, walk,…..”OH $HIT!!!!”

By the time I got up to the front offices, a sweet, lung piercing stench had filled the office (and the conference room where the owner was holding a meeting with six other people) and apparently the break room was filled with smoke.

My boss Karen has already speculated that I wont live this down, but as the silver lining seeker I have grown to become, I mentioned that “That microwave was a fire hazard and thank god I was here let everyone know just how badly it needed replacing.”

My lungs are burning. I think the smell is getting soaked into the walls. It may be Thanksgiving before the smell goes away. I wish I had my camera here so you could see the charred bag of popcorn.

All in all the experience saved me more calories than anticipated. A few from the walk plus the popcorn that I wasn’t able to eat.

Ok – it happened over an hour ago and the place still stinks.

Also – Ive got lots of cute pictures from Emma’s 1st birthday from this week but I left my camera at stacy’s….Ill have those pictures posted tomorrow.

SO TELL ME - What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever screwed up at work????


Anonymous said...

don't you remember OUR microwave story just a couple of weeks ago...same thing, timer wasn't working...I was TRYING to cook dinner...AND do 10 other things in
between - only I almost burnt the HOUSE down. At least we have homeowners insurance and I wouldn't be out of a job....PLUS dad doesn't want me to cook dinner anymore!

Anonymous said...

Like Mother, like daughter.
Monkey see, monkey do.
a chip of the ol' block...
I'll stop there. - Dad