Headed back to the hotel and ordered pizzas...I ordered WAY too much and there were 2 uneaten pizzas this morning - Mandi - If you read this - my mom gave Brenda money to give to you! Im sorry I was passed out cold when the food arrived. I did manage to wake up long enough to cram 2 slices down before passing out again....
Now heres a funny story - Two years ago when we were at the Embassy we met this really wierd girl who had just gotten married and was on her honeymoon. Long story short - she hung out with us and was later referred to as "Danger Stranger"....its kind of become our thing to attract odd people. Well, we had gone all night without bringing a random stranger into the fold, and so one of the moms popped her head out the door, and grabbed the first couple off the elevator and invited them in for a beer (perhaps WE'VE become the "Danger Strangers" perhaps)
This couple was coming in from the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and before I tell you what happened next, stop reading for two seconds and JUST GUESS....
Thats right. Pam KNEW this woman. Shes a waitress at Nortons. Im not kidding. This happens everywhere and no longer surprises us that much. here we all are:
Then...of course....the best part....Made-to-order omelettes for breakfast at the best view in town!!! It was a great time as usual - post any interesting stories if Ive forgotten..Woke up to the first snowfall of the year! Im excited for the first overnight snow when I can get into my car - in the garage - and be the jerk who didnt have to scrape their windows! Ive always wanted to be that jerk. Heres the back yard today: Ok - Second subject...My Sunday "Project"
So - Im not happy with the basement. Its unfinished, and at this rate will be for some time. So I wanted to create some sort of divider that runs along the front of the storage shelves, the washer & Dryer and the basin. Just to chip into the eye-soreyness of it all. We're holding the beer pong tournament down there and I just wanted to remedy this. I told John I was feeling "Inspired" and set out for supplies. I have to say I spent a lot less than what I had thought I would have. Here is what that wall of the basment looked like before:
Supplies Needed: 2 - 10 feet pieces of conduit pipe (super cheap at Lowes...like $6 for it all), needle nosed pliers, one roll of pliable wire, small screw-in hooks.
5-shower curtians. I was worried that this would break the bank but I found some nice cotton ones for $10 each at Target.
5-shower curtian hooks - These can get pricey. I just went to Odd Lots and paid $1 for each set.
The Process: I basically hung the conduit from the wire attached to the screw-in hooks. then added the shower curtains.
Its exactly what I wanted, but it will take some getting used to. Hopefully gravity will do its job and the wrinkles will go away. Now if I could just clean the rest of the basement!
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