Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ok - Two Main things to cover in this post....Mother Daughter Weekend 2007 & a little "project" I worked on tonight to get the basement ready for the next two weekends
(Im having some ladies over on Friday for scrapbooking/two weeks is the beer pong tournament...)
So this weekend was the 5th Annual Mother Daughter Excursion. That picture above is of the journal we've been writing in for a few years. Its hard to keep up with it..especially when you're hungover the next morning...(Sharon! just cut this blog entry out and slap 'er on in!)
We headed back to Covington and stayed at the Embassy Suites. Mom and I got an early start - she came down and picked me up and then we headed back up to Middletown for lunch at Applebees.
After lunch - I convinced everyone to go shopping at OTP. I will use any occasion as an excuse to go to OTP. I got a cute basket for my scrapbooking stuff and a new rug for the front door. (For some insane reason I had a white berber rug there and it was the WORST Idea ever....its FILTHY and impossible to keep clean) We spent enough time there....then it was time to head down to that free happy hour at Embassy Suites!!
We got there, had a few beers and headed down to happy hour, continued to drink, and when it was over headed back upstairs to the rooms, where more drinking ensued. Nobody knew where we were going or what we were doing - so I made the announcement that we would head out at 9:15. Sharon laughed at me and I told her I knew why - She thinks Im being just like my micro-managed father. He wouldnt have been more proud if I had pulled out my own Franklin Planner and handed out detiailed iteneraries to all the participants.
So we hopped on the bus and headed down to Mainstrausse...its kind of like the Oregon District of Covington. My idea was to go "Bar Hopping"...but I should know by now, we find one place, get comfortable, and usually get so drunk we're out before midnight. This year was no different. We got to the bar and Mom, Jess, Mandi and I stayed while everyone else went out to get something to eat.
One of our "goals" of the evening was to find someone who graduated in 74 - (the same year as the moms) It didnt get off to a good start. As predicted, they were approaching people who looked liked they were in their 30'....eventually though, we found someone. Our goal was to find four people, but I think the moms got discouraged and may have just been scared to find out who was their age. This guy did SAY he grad in 74 but looking back....the way he answered, he may have been coached...

Headed back to the hotel and ordered pizzas...I ordered WAY too much and there were 2 uneaten pizzas this morning - Mandi - If you read this - my mom gave Brenda money to give to you! Im sorry I was passed out cold when the food arrived. I did manage to wake up long enough to cram 2 slices down before passing out again....

Now heres a funny story - Two years ago when we were at the Embassy we met this really wierd girl who had just gotten married and was on her honeymoon. Long story short - she hung out with us and was later referred to as "Danger Stranger"....its kind of become our thing to attract odd people. Well, we had gone all night without bringing a random stranger into the fold, and so one of the moms popped her head out the door, and grabbed the first couple off the elevator and invited them in for a beer (perhaps WE'VE become the "Danger Strangers" perhaps)

This couple was coming in from the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and before I tell you what happened next, stop reading for two seconds and JUST GUESS....

Thats right. Pam KNEW this woman. Shes a waitress at Nortons. Im not kidding. This happens everywhere and no longer surprises us that much. here we all are:

Then...of course....the best part....Made-to-order omelettes for breakfast at the best view in town!!! It was a great time as usual - post any interesting stories if Ive forgotten..Woke up to the first snowfall of the year! Im excited for the first overnight snow when I can get into my car - in the garage - and be the jerk who didnt have to scrape their windows! Ive always wanted to be that jerk. Heres the back yard today:

Ok - Second subject...My Sunday "Project"

So - Im not happy with the basement. Its unfinished, and at this rate will be for some time. So I wanted to create some sort of divider that runs along the front of the storage shelves, the washer & Dryer and the basin. Just to chip into the eye-soreyness of it all. We're holding the beer pong tournament down there and I just wanted to remedy this. I told John I was feeling "Inspired" and set out for supplies. I have to say I spent a lot less than what I had thought I would have. Here is what that wall of the basment looked like before:

Supplies Needed: 2 - 10 feet pieces of conduit pipe (super cheap at $6 for it all), needle nosed pliers, one roll of pliable wire, small screw-in hooks.

5-shower curtians. I was worried that this would break the bank but I found some nice cotton ones for $10 each at Target.

5-shower curtian hooks - These can get pricey. I just went to Odd Lots and paid $1 for each set.

The Process: I basically hung the conduit from the wire attached to the screw-in hooks. then added the shower curtains.

Its exactly what I wanted, but it will take some getting used to. Hopefully gravity will do its job and the wrinkles will go away. Now if I could just clean the rest of the basement!


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