Well, my husband may very well divorce me over this whole new myspace addiction...and its why the blog has taken such a serious hit. Well, that and for those of you that dont know...I got written up for blogging at work. It was a few months ago. My boss was like, "You really are a great writer, but Im going to need you to sign right here."
It was a big wake up call, but I didnt have a whole lot on my plate at the time so in stead of asking for more work...well...I dont really want to talk about it. The good news is that Ive been slammed at work with all the private railroading stuff and the Ready Tools stuff...Its been keeping me really busy at work and Ive really been busier and happier and the days are flying by which is great.
As for blog-worthy events..there are none!!! The hole is still in the wall, the sink still doesnt work, I was supposed to have our maintence guy call my cousin Doug to get the sink situation fixed, but Im lazy. I dont have an excuse. We have been using the fireplace quite a bit though....those starter logs are the shiz-nit!

Im just trying to get something up here so I can go to bed! I promise Ill post something tomorrow or friday...Ive got nothing going on this weekend so Ill try and catch up. For those of you who get bored and need a good blog to read, Stetson started a myspace page and has been posting some good drunken story blogs...So good Ive been tempted to cut and paste his stories in my own blog...is that wrong???
Heres another thing I DONT really want to blog about. I got sick of looking at my fake blond hair and dark brown roots, so I died it again....brown...and it SUUUCCCKS. Suckety-suck-suck-sucks!!!! To add insult to injury, the length is awful and I look like I have a hair helmet. It takes a handful of strong Elmers glue like paste to sculpt it into anything respectable and it still looks like crap. I look like a man. I told john that we should now be considered life partners. He did not like that idea.
Im going to try not to get into the myspace thing but Im hoping that this crack-like addiction will soon subside. I thought I was too old, too good for it, but I have to be perfectly honest in saying that finding all these friends from high school and college and seeing how great everyone is doing is awesome.
Heres an example of the fun Im having - I was on a younger OU rugby players myspace page...he mentioned that one of his most favorite memories from OU was the party where the porch collapsed. I dont know if he knew this but i had a picture of that event. I was out in the yard and I was going to get a shot of everyone up on the porch...and when it got too over crowded, the whole thing collapsed. Thank god it was just low enough NOT to have people underneath...otherwise it woudnt have been so funny. Anyway...I posted this on his page:

Fort - If I may make a suggestion, you can try typing up your blogs in word and then posting them later. That way your boss has no case against you. I just wrote three pages about my first car (and haven't done a thing this morning)...blog entry coming soon.
I can't believe you didn't think our wild and crazy New Year's Eve was blogworthy. Alisa
what about our birthdays? Not blogworthy either? you're so selfish - this whole blog is all about you, you, you.
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