Monday, April 09, 2007

Im sorry...that probably wasnt funny to anyone who hasnt seen 'A Mighty Wind'......

Ok - so I talked to Kat on my way home tonight and she said it sucked, the girls suck, they're idiots and she couldnt even watch the rest of the show. Please, please post your comments to recap the it even worth watching? This brings me to another thing....


My current love/hate relationship is with the AVALANCHE of beautiful, moronic, dim-witted embarassments to women that are currently on all of the reality shows.

What the hell? Are there any single guys that read this other than Stetson? PLease answer this: Is a dumb woman attractive? If you cant read, watch the, I dont know....ONCE A MONTH??? PLEASE???? I am embarassed to be an American woman while watching this, although, there is also a part of me that feels REEEEEELY smart when I see this.

Case in Point: "Beauty and the Geek".... John and I were watching this today. The premise is that they hook up these "beauties" with "geeks" and they work as a team....the geeks try to teach these educationally comatose heads on a stick what seems to be facts pulled off a 4th grade pop quiz. The "Beauties" try to teach the geeks important things, like who Kevin Federline is, What Gwen Stefanis clothing line is, and the finer points of pop culture and fashion.

The problem is, that these guys arent GEEKS! THEY JUST ARENT ASSHOLES!!!! These girls are too stupid to tell the difference. I mean, a few of them look slightly pre-pubescent and theres always one token nerd that looks like he was pulled off a bad 80's flick, but for the most part, these guys are catches!

Im getting away from the point I was trying to at the end of the show, they're getting "Quizzed"....Ill admit, I was surprised that one of the "geeks" couldnt recognize a photo of Kevin Federline, but for the most part they did ok with the pop culture.

It was the women that had me scratching my head.

Question: What is the Capitol of Iraq?

Head on a stick: "Um, can you SPELL Iraq?"

Really? Spell Iraq. That country we're occupying? The word I hear fifteen times a day and im not even that politically knowledgable? The country we went to war with before? Saddam? Hussein? Is ANY of this ringing bells? ANYTHING?? AT ALL?

Ok, so this girl ACTUALLY asks the guy to SPELL Iraq. He looks confused.

Guy: "Um, Iraq. I-R-A-Q. Iraq."

I guess she doesnt hear the word Iraq often enough. If he spells it, maybe she can picture the word in her head, make some sort of association with it and something will come to her.

She is looking like someone just asked her to recite War and Peace verbatim.

Head on Stick: "Im going to say......Afghanistan?"


Afghanistan. Afghanistan? Really? I hope this girl's parents arent watching this because I would crawl into a hole until she was safely in menopause and no longer allowed to procreate. Repeat after me, "Iraq, COUNTRY, Baghdad, CAPITAL. Afghanistan, COUNTRY, Kabul, CAPITAL."

Now, Im not saying that Im a rocket scientist. Its a little known fact that I once took a test in college, where the professor offered an "Extra Credit/Gimme" question at the end: Make up your own question and answer for one point"

easy enough. Some asked themselves questions like, "What is my name?" or "What street do I live on?"

Not me, no sir. I had studied hard....especially the separate definitions of "Ethos" Pathos" and "Logos"....and was quite dissapointed that it wasnt on the test. Perfect! Ill define all three as my final question! I FILLED the back page of my test with paragraph long definitions.

Only problem? I accidentally swapped two of the definitions, therefore, getting my own, made up question wrong.

Then, adding insult to injury, when the professor handed the tests back out to the class the next week, he announced with a chuckle, "And, I must tell you, that someone ACTUALLY missed their own question."

What was I saying again?


Anonymous said...

Coach - As long as you keep watching these terrible shows, the networks will keep trotting out the dregs of society. Just don't look...Sorry, but this includes The Hills.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like dumb girls cause they laugh at just about anything since that is their coping mechanism for being retarded. Plus, it helps my napoleon complex out when I KNOW I am smarter then the girl by at least 100 IQ points!!

Anonymous said...


Fort said...

Darian, I laugh at just about everything you say.