Monday, September 10, 2007

Thanks for reminding me, Misti....Britney at VMA's???

Britney Spears added a new dimension of crap to her repitoire - this VMA performance last night. I actually didnt see it live, i missed the first 10 minutes. I get a text from Misti this morning asking if a saw it, so of course I couldnt start my day with out Youtube-ing it...and thank God I did. I need to get this out of my system before I start my day. Just in case you didnt catch it, the link is above.

Britney reminds me of when I play volleyball and I have gas real bad. Like, Ill try not to make any sharp, sudden moves. Thats what she looks like! And this song SUCKS...this girl needs to get her $hit together before she tries to throw a song together in four days. That was pretty much AWFUL. Please feel free to post your own comments.

While we're on the VMA's, did anyone else think that was one seizure-enducing show? I like RAP, but the first 50 min of the show they gave THREE awards total and camera hopped from private party to private party. 50 Cent or Kanye? Which do you like? You better pick one because thats all your gettin, all night.

The only bright spot I could see was Justin Timberlake, not once, but TWICE, getting some airtime telling MTV to start playing more videos. No $hit! MTV played "America's Top Model" episodes back to back ALL WEEKEND LONG. Thats way too much Tyra Banks than ANYONE needs, and the show sucks anyway.

Went to the hospital last night, was worried I was getting a bad sinus infection. My counts were fine, and they just put me on antibiotics. Ive got games today, tomorrow and wedesday (chemo tomorrow too) so this week is really going to suck in the worst way.

Please - I want to hear your feedback on Britney & the VMA's in general....


Anonymous said...

I made the mistake of watching the video with the music turned, that sucked! Is that even dancing? Weird. Hope you get to feeling better Fort!! J

Aileen said...

So that was the whole hoopla huh? Hell,I can dance like that if that's what you call it! Maybe she needs to get back to snorting the white stuff to get a little move back to her groove. She certainly isn't moving slow because she had a rough day with her kids!!

Gotta a little magic trick John will enjoy on the blog! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I thought Britney could salvage her lack of career with a good performance. I always knew her songs were just some studio masterpiece, but there was no denying the girl could move. She . was.horrible. I think I could have had more enthusiasm than that crap. AND she could have tried to lipsync better than that, considering she was just walking around. So I'm calling time of death at about 9:10. R.I.P. Britney 1997-2007 Alisa

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I was watching just to see her career implode with one performance. But on one level, deep deep down, I was pulling for her. So while I laughed, I also felt a little sad for her. can you imagine what she was thinking backstage after the performance? -- Misti

TK Angels said...

I had to giggle about your comment that her performance reminded you of playing volleyball and having gas.

Good one.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

That was so horrible to watch. We even tried it on fast foward and it was still atrocious.

I agree - Brittany is gone.

Anonymous said...

It was a very uncomfortable moment in my life and then to watch Sarah Silverman blast her uncomfortable.


Anonymous said...

The VMAs???...SO WHAT!?!?