Wednesday, February 20, 2008

SURGERY TODAY! (Thursday)....
Your cliffs notes tutorial on Portacath's I found these great images to give you an idea of whats going on here....As you can see, I have used a copyrighted image so hopefully I dont get sued. You see the sacrifices I make for you??? you see??? This just shows where it the doc puts it in....etc....

Here are a few pics I pulled off Bard's site. I think these are legal. The purple thing is the port...that goes under my skin just under my right collarbone. The yellow butterfly thingy is what Joni uses to puncture the port through the skin. Joni will have me stuck and going Friday in a jiffy since she wont be avoiding me and my shitty veins.
This gives a close up view of the port and you can see the round screen that gets punctured.
Here is another side view of what the port looks like when its stuck and receiving chemo.

Im going to take my camera tomorrow and BEG the nurses or whoever to take some photos. Beware! Im hoping to get some pics while in surgery. Yummmy!!!

did anyone see the Lunar eclipse tonight? Very cool. I had no clue. Mom called me. Im glad she did. Basically did dishes all night. Still irrigating the sinues, still a little stuffy but its getting better I can feel it!

We had a little bit of snow again this morning so I wrote a nasty email to channel nine for pulling Good Morning America. I used phrases like "2 fargin inches of snow?", and used all caps with lots of exclamation points. sure its really going to hit the news room hard. I signed it, "Annoyed in Finneytown".

That should take care of it.


Aileen said...

I tried taking a pic of the moon and all I got was black pics no matter what I tried. Was hoping you got a good shot.
That thing looks a bit like the pump they were implanting into men's sacks. They squeeze and it blows the penis up. Enjoy that thought rolling around your gray matter tomorrow. lol

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking about you today. I hope you get some good sleep! -- Misti

Anonymous said...

Fort, are they putting this in through the scar from the last time? The ex-nurse in me secretly hopes you can get some pics.


Anonymous said...

Terrific info for us novices - I had no idea this is what you were doing today - thought it was something like an IV....... Glad the sinus thing is better - looking forward to actual pics. You are amazing and delightful - I can just see your face right now...Go ahead it's okay to have many who admire your incredible tenacity and forthrightness - go get em!!