Friday, June 30, 2006

Well, I promised you all that I would eventually tell you about my experience with the healer. I walked away from it strong feeling that I had a story to tell. Its one that many of you know about, and many of you dont. Ive had a this strong inner urging (it may be indigestion, i dont really know) to share this story with as many people as I could, and in turn, felt that my "healing" would be promoted by it.

Could I be completely out of my mind? Of course. But Im not really in a place to ignore these things right now, so I went out on a limb and wrote an submission to CinWeekly's "The Last Word", a place where locals can submit anything rants/raves/thoughts they want. I wrote it two nights ago and submitted it yesterday afternoon. I received an email from the editor of the magazine THIS MORNING telling me they were going to publish it in their July 12th issue. They distribute 62,000 copies of this so Im somewhat nervous but a little excited too.

(PS - Special thanks to Kat at the Finneytown 5/3 for a MASSIVE grammar catch..I TOTALLY misused a big word a la Stacy Henry and it was caught JUST in time. I wont divulge the infraction but I would have been MORTIFIED if it went to print.)

So, without further ado, here's the submission:

I’m expecting a miracle. Not the, “I can’t believe I just passed a cop going 90 & didn’t get a ticket” miracle, but a REAL miracle.

I guess I’ve had a positive outlook on the situation since I found out my breast cancer was back. And not the cakewalk Stage 2 diagnosis of 2003, but a Stage 4, “Say your good-byes and be thankful for whatever time the oncologist can spare you” death sentence.

I’m not sure at what point I truly, Sincerely expected the divine hand of God to reach down from the clouds and say, “Ok, despite your poor church attendance for the last, oh, ten years or so, your penchant for gossip & what is quite honestly a sinful obsession with shows like “My Super Sweet Sixteen”, “Laguna Beach” and “The Hills”, I think I’m going to heal you. MIRACULOUSLY. Just like that.”

I just felt it. I have to admit those feelings got stronger when my mother took me to a healer in Indianapolis.

And like most of us looking for a miracle, I pictured the Big Man, sitting in this woman’s prayer room, with a big smirk on his face, nodding. “Oh. NOW you need me.”

Of course we all know God isn’t so cynical, but if you expected EVERYTHING you asked for, you wouldn’t be on your knees, you’d be on “Sweet Sixteen” bitching to your dad about what color Mercedes you’re expecting on the big day.

So when the healer asked me what my “story” was, I had to start from the beginning, & share a story that I hadn’t told many people.
The first time I found out I had breast Cancer in 2003, I also found out I was three months pregnant…that same week. We decided to keep the baby and hold off chemo till I was further into my second trimester. Things were going great until, in my seventh month, my son died during a premature labor.

I was on emotional auto-pilot and did everything I could to keep my emotions from people who cared about me. I just didn’t want them to see how upset I was.
The day before our son’s funeral, my husband had to work and I needed someone to talk to. For a Tuesday morning, mass seemed like a good option. Too proud to ask for help, I sat in the back pew, crying. No sobbing, but definitely some high-decibel sniffling. Just praying that someone would put their hand on my shoulder, so I could release all the emotion, the story, the tears.

But when mass was over, the congregation of 20 or so, filed past me, one by one, not one person sitting down to see if everything was ok. I can understand not everyone is the type to walk up to a stranger and offer themselves, but certainly the priest would come over once he was done talking to his parishioner, right? That’s his job, isn’t it?

That’s what I was thinking when the lights were turned off and the priest left the building.

My husband and I often tune into TBN to watch the glittery, over-indulged televangelists telling the world about God speaking to them, which usually equates to a solicitation of some sort, so imagine my reluctance as I’m sitting in that pew by myself, having this eerie feeling like someone was telling me to “take note”.

If I were one of those people, would I have reached out to me? Maybe not. I think about those people, so intent on their rosaries that chose to ignore that soul that had hit rock bottom. My friend Amy took it a step further…”What if you were suicidal? No one would have known that you put yourself out there, hoping that someone would have reached out.”

I wasn’t suicidal, of course, but I thought it was a valid point. So what does this have to do with my miracle? I’m not sure. But I have a strong feeling that if I’m going to be healed, I needed to share this. Maybe if my experience makes you think twice before you pass that person who looks like the world is crushing in on them, Ill get that miracle I’m expecting.


Anonymous said...

On your way to becoming a novelist! You are amazing and very brave! We are all lucky to be your friend!

love you,

Anonymous said...


Even though you may not have felt the hug of a human being. I am confident that your Father has you in His arms! The supernatural power of God is perfect and creative. Keep your eyes on Him! Thank you for sharing this painful experience with me. It truly speaks to my heart.
You are always in our prayers.
Love you,


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you! I loved it!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

That was amazing Fort. Love, Jami

Anonymous said...

God uses some of the crummiest situations in our lives to get our attention doesn't He? When we feel like things are so bad that they just can't get worse; when we think we know exactly what we need to happen for us to feel better and get on with life and He doesn't follow the script we've got in mind it seems as if He isn't paying attention/doesn't care/ whatever...and then "BAM" we realize that He's done it to us again - shown us a little clearer who we are supposed to be; what we are supposed to do and what is so much lacking in humanity that we have to be the ones to put it there. Then we choose to put it into action and to share what we've learned and seen with others...real life evangelism in action doesn't look like what it does on cable christianity !!It is the way Jesus lived; the way He went through what he did;for us, because of us and instead of us. We handle it one day at a time here in 2006 the best we can and use that direct communication link to God on an ongoing basis. Prayer happens whenever your focus is God and without the ability to give it to Him and not walk around with it all of the time I'd be a babbling crazy on a street corner! As it is, I'm a babbling crazy on the computer so I'll stop now and thank God for the blessings and healing that he is sending to you and to us all through what we've heard and seen as a result of the trials you are enduring. Keep living, laughing, learning and sharing Melissa...God is using you!

Anonymous said...

hip hip hooray - congratulations Nick and Meredith!

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa, you will touch people with this. We all have those fleeting moments of clarity when we know exactly who we need to be. This will be that for many. I need to hear your words to remind me to keep my focus on love. Thank you lady, for your bravery. I love you. Marisa

Anonymous said...

You are the bravest, strongest, and the most beautiful person! Thank you for sharing this for all to read...
- AA

Anonymous said...

I can't even tell you what this means to make me want to be a better person and a person of your strength...I know it's not easy sharing your story, but because you have, there will be many many people able to learn from it and many hearts touched by it...I continue to be touched by your amazing attitude and your wonderful spirit gets me thru many of life's trials and tribulations!
lots of hugs and prayers....

Anonymous said...

Spread the attitude you have around. Maybe it will be contagious. You are an inspiration to me, and you make me have to be better.

Your a role model...
Big Mike