Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Readers, STETSON. STETSON, Readers.

Now that you've been formerly introduced, Im making Stetson the "Person of the Day"...Scratch that. Dena is the Person of the day, so Stetson is officially the "Second Person of the Day"...

Here he is....not the guy drinking, but the guy giving the thumbs up behind him. Bio: from Cleveland, lives in the ATL, plays for the Atlanta Old Whites. He's a fellow Ohio U rugby alumni who, after alumni weekends, writes top ten lists that put mine to shame...ok, im done blowing sunshine up your you know what.

I noticed that he's been spewing his unique sense of humor on the comment sections of this blog, and by "unique", I mean going for the jugular on people he doesnt even know!! "Lisa Perry is DEFINITELY a Fossil?"...HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW HER!!! Dena's "Family Resemblance"???...HES NEVER MET ANYONE IN MY FAMILY, EVER!!

And that's why, Brian "Stetson" Fenik is our "Second Person of the Day." Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

I'm on to you Stetson

Anonymous said...

Aw...shucks. You are making me blush Fort! I'm happy to hear about the good news you received. Don't worry...I'll still come visit your blog to make fun of your friends I don't matter how healthy you get!

Also, I wanted to thank you for shaving your head to support me in my fight against baldness. I am blessed to have a friend like you!

Anonymous said...

Okay, enough about Stetson...

Is anyone else getting weirded out by all these references to "Lisa Perry"?

Fossil comments I can handle but ENOUGH with the "Lisa Perry" crap!

I mean, soon it's going to be "Melissa" and "Heather" and "Kristen" and "John", etc...and THEN where will it end?! Madness!! Chaos!! And maybe even a nicname for Lisa Brush!! We can't have THAT! It's a sign of the apocalyse!

Whew! Okay, I'm good now. Just..had to get that out...

And now back to our regularly scheduled Stetson moment...

Anonymous said...

You can always call Lisa Brush "Coach".

I have officially started the "end times" me and good ole George Bush who is doing pretty good at it himself.

Fort, now the gov will be watching your blog closely. Enjoy!

Surly T