Thursday, July 13, 2006

Romer finally called me back....I made them read me VERBATIM the report back from the PET scan:

"There is no definite evidence for active tumor related to the past history of breast cancer. Previously seen abnormalities in the cervical neck region, chest and right pelvis as well as diffused bony skeleton uptake are no longer present."

I dont even know what to say. I meet w/ Romer tomorrow, Ill supplement this with what ever he has to say. I would love to get some digital shots of the scans, maybe I can post them.


Anonymous said...

Congr5ats Fort that is such grat news. By the way loved the article in Cin Weekly. It sounds like God was listening and your miracle is starting to take place

Leah and Das Bear

Anonymous said...

Thank you God, I believe. - Dad

Anonymous said...

It's official... I believe. You've made me believe in something more, something bigger, and something magnificent. Miracles do happen and you are the proof. You deserve this miracle. You are precious and lovely. My heart and my love go out to you, your husband, your families and your friends. I am grateful for you and your stories of faith and survival.


Anonymous said...

There is a God. I am so happy right now.

Anonymous said...

God uses real scary stuff in our lives to remind us who is in charge. Melissa, God is blessing your faith, your strength and your willingness to share the trials that brought you to the point that you are witnessing for Him.All of us who have prayed for you and for your health and your strength and for your familly have been blessed and changed by this journey you are on. STay strong, keep sharing your story and keep thanking Him and serving Him....God is so good and I am so thankful!!! love you ST

Anonymous said...

Super wonderful news!!! Thanks for sharing. Had to call Mom right away to tell her the news.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the great news! ~ Brownie

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so I already called you but I thought I'd post too. THANK YOU, LORD!

Anonymous said...

Thank God... I keep you in my prayers daily...Keep the faith and enjoy your trip!!! We love you in Florida. Heather & Kids

Anonymous said...

God bless you.

Life is trully Love and visa versa.

Anonymous said...

Fort--God is so good and God answers prayers!!!!! Miracles happen and you are proof!! We love you so much!!! Love, Jami G (& family)

Anonymous said...


I cannot begin to express how happy I am for your WONDERFUL news! You are an amazing person and an inspiration to all! Enjoy your much deserved vacation! Much love to you, Johnny-Mac and your family!


Anonymous said...

Mo- The power of prayer is awnsered to those who belive in him.This just shows that he is a loving God and has laid his hands on you.Judy and I are so happy for you and your family.
Love ya - The Pitcrew

Jenni & Jay said...

I am not a religious person and I have my doubts about miracles but I have prayed for you and I believe that God has helped you through this once again. I may have to rethink my religious position. I'm so happy for you and wish you all the best!!

Your chalkboard buddy

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news Fort! So no excuses on missing the Philly B-day Hoo-haw on Sat right? :) Can't wait to squish you bunches when I see ya on Sat. SurlyT

Anonymous said...

Just read your results out loud to all of the nurses at work (we read your blog together)
Round of applause here!!!!

Praise Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I have been pulling for you and praying for you since the first time.

Maggie (One of those crazy Franzs)

Anonymous said...

God is Great!!! He is here & he is real. I've been praying for you & am thanking him now for the healing he's given to you.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to let you know how excited I am about the latest news... You beat it... you really did beat it!

You (and your family) have been in our prayers since I learned of your diagnosis. My 10 year old asked me the other night, "Dad, why do we pray for people we have never met??"... I explained to him how powerful prayer can be and it is our privelege as Christian's to help as many people as possible. If we don't support those in need financially or physically, we can always pray for them. Great life lesson for an impressionable 10 year old.

Thank YOU for all of the inspiration and emotion that you laid out in your blog and in the CinWeekly article.

We may never meet, but always be assured that I will be with you in prayer.

God Bless,
(Friend and Co-worker of Casey)

Anonymous said...

I just read your piece in Cin Weekly. It's the most powerful thing I've ever read, (and I read a lot.) Thank you thank you for that. I'm already sharing it with co-workers right now. This is going to change lives. It should be required reading for every person on the planet.
About your latest blog entry: Terrific news. Congratulations! I'll be following your progress from here on out.

- Karen G., Fort Thomas, Ky., new devotee of fortscancersux

Tennessee Mama Duck said...

This is truly great news!

I just found you from "Joy's" blog.

My best friend is fighting breast cancer right now. She is 33 yrs old. Her 3 year old son was killed in a car wreck two years ago. And her dad died a few months later from cancer. Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people? I know He uses them.

You can read her story at

Anonymous said...

If you're going to keep this blog going, you may want to find a more appropriate site. I think:

is a better name.