Friday, July 14, 2006

"Your're gonna want to drink a PITCHER of margaritas tonight!" - Dr. Romer this morning

Yes folks, that was the first thing my oncologist said when he entered the room...Im happy to see that the rest of you knew it all along but I have to admit that Im still sort of in la la land over all of this. He actually used the words "Complete Remission"...WHAT THA????

Romer & I....HE'S THE MAN!!!!

So I still had a round of chemo today, and just one more before I start taking the Xeloda alone. For how long I dont know. Maybe forever? At least until they find a cure (hopefully sooner than later!....that crap is expensive!!)

So back to La La Land. I was still there as I was getting my chemo today, so I asked the nurse for my chart and I started taking pictures of the convince the skeptics, to convince myself!! So without further ado...

My BIG, FAT, MASSIVE Oncology Chart...

Ok - heres a bad report from the first PET...not good - you might have to click on it to actually read it...

Crummy Progress Report from 7/7/06:

Side view of IMPRESSION...I could take a picture of "No Longer Present" a hundred different ways...

I tried to post another picture of the new PET results (I think I took like 4) but it wont let me. I hope Ive convinced you...I still dont know If I convinced myself!

I dont even know what to say...Can you believe that IM at a frigging loss for words? Who knew? I just dont feel that a simple Thank You is suffice for everything that has been offered to me in the last few months... the free meals, the holy water, the prayers, all the positive energy being sent my way, and lets not forget Jennifer cleaning out our disgusting microwave. It just doesnt seem like theres ever going to be a way to express how grateful I am for everything.

We'll be having a celebratory pint at Haps tonight around 8 or 9 if you want to come out. Of course I cant buy you all a pint, (actually I really cant afford to buy any of you a pint) but if luck is on my side, Ill be happy to jot down some potential winning lottery numbers for you, but thats it.

Im sorry that I havent been as eloquent as I should be at a time like this, but Ill be keeping up with the blog and maybe a few weeks from now when I pull my head out of my you-know-what and I start thinking clearly about what all this means, Ill let you know - until then, thanks, and we'll see ya at Haps tonight and Brimelow tomorrow...(no im not playing...YET)


Anonymous said...

"The previously seen abnormalities...are no longer present."

*deep breath*

So...can I buy ya a keg tommorrow, hot stuff?

Seriously, Stewie and I are sitting here at work DUMBFOUNDED/SPEECHLESS/ESTATIC!!

I swear but those few words in that report must be some of the sweetest EVER in the human experience. There IS a high power and She's smiling right now.

Slainte, go get pissed!




Anonymous said...

WOW! As this story gets out the number of lives that are being touched by this miracle and the faith of you, your family and those of us who prayed for this continues to grow stronger and touch even more lives. Keep sharing Melissa, thanking God and relaxing into the blessing of this miracle!! when does the book begin? I'll help. You have everything it takes...a story, a command of the english language, and the work ethic to start it and finish it. Ok, I'll let you go have that pint and not bring it up again...until Monday!! Be careful, have fun and keep thanking God...I know I have been since I talked to your mom and will continue. love you st

Anonymous said...

Fort, that is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Can't tell you how happy I am for you. It is amazing. Keep up the fight and let's have a few.

Big Mike

Anonymous said...

Fort---The pictures are awesome and all I can say is wow...God is sooo good. Take care of yourself and we will see you soon!!! Can't wait to give you a big hug!! Love, Jami

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Fortener! Words don't begin to describe my excitement.

Anonymous said...

This is by far the best (and most astonishing)news I have ever heard! And I love to see that "yet" after "I'm not playing!" That means I'll see you on the pitch!


Anonymous said...

Melissa, I happened upon your blog through reading the web site.

I am truly happy for your news, and am sending good wishes and prayers for your quick and complete healing.

You are an incredibly strong woman, and your spirit really shows through in your writing.

All the best,

Anonymous said...

WOOOHOOOO!!! Oh my God Fort!!!! Literally...Oh my God...
Love you

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Sorry I missed the drink up. Don't worry...I'll let you buy me a beer next time I'm in town.