Monday, August 07, 2006


I had a bit of an incident with my camera during the girls nite out...dropped my camera while wating to leave, (did I drop a beer on it too? Perhaps...) and its been ill ever since. The bad news? I think I broke it pretty good. The good news? Its tempramental and sometimes will come on and work...When I get home from work tonight Ill have LOTS of pics for you!

The Train Ride, Pony & Lisa's wedding, Indian lake shots....lots to update... Sorry about the neglect...


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what the deal was...thanks for the update! Jami

Anonymous said...! Can't........go....on....much.......*THUD*

Anonymous said...

*cue into emergency crew giving life saving aid*
"Damn that Melissa!! Gets a bit of good news and she ditches them all!!!! Heartless!!""Stay with us girl,stay with us!! Fight!!"
*pans out to a flat line*

Anonymous said...

Is this becoming a monthly blog? ;)

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I'm going to do with my free time, without this blog my life is not complete.