Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween Party #2! Spoons Bonfire!

It was a tough day trying to recoup from Friday night and get ready for Saturday night. Johns leg started to feel a LITTLE better and after a night of lubricating the joins with a steady dose of Killians & Blue Moon, its feeling at least better than it was yesterday. He still limping around but its better...
Harry & Jean - Yeah, I had to think for a couple seconds about this one too...

Bonfire Fun!
Brendan ("Todd") O'Connor is doing God-Knows-What with Funhater, who rode that ostrich all night long.

Hans & Franz ah gahing to PAHMP......YOH UP!!!
This picture is kinda dark but as you can see, Kim Jong Il and "East Coast Liberal Professor out of touch with middle america" get their daily dose of Marxism. Yeah. Its over my head too.
Here's a really funny last night I decide to start probing people on their own personal Ghost stories. I have always thought that peoples personal experinces were MUCH MORE enthralling than those cookie cutter urban legends of pre-pubescent sleepovers...

So anyway, Jean turns out to have a TON of experiences that had me on the edge of my hay bail all night. Shes in the middle of telling me these stories and I hear my phone beep. It only beeps like that if I have a message, or if the battery is running low.

I check it. No message. one full bar left. No low battery message.

We continue to talk, and througout the conversation, the phone "beeps" about four times. Every time I check it, Nothing. After about the fourth time it beeped, I was all, "Ok Jeanie - Lookit, Im turning my phone off. It cant even make a beep if its turned completely off"

So we both stop our conversation and watch as my phone says, "Goodbye" and goes dark. Its off.

We go back to talking and about five minutes later, "Beep"....

We stare at each other in disbelief. Actually that was just me because this stuff is old hat to her. It beeps one more time before we get up to walk up to the house and leave.

Im up there telling Harry and John the story of the "Posessed Phone" when Kenny and his girlfriend, the last ones left at the fire, come walking up.

"Hey Spoons, I think I found your phone under one of the bails of hay"

Oh well, it was freaky while it lasted. Im off to Dayton for Meredith's shower. More on that later tonight...

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