Monday, October 30, 2006

Sad News Folks -

So this weekend was CRAZY...Ive kinda been avoiding going to my parents house because dad got a bug up his you know what to clean out the attic. So the entire upstairs is FULL of boxes. And dad wants nick and I to pick up our stuff or its getting thrown out.

Mom saved EVERYTHING. Every single piece of artwork, cursive writing, spelling test, coloring book page...its there... from 1978-2006. I was up there taking pictures of some of the stuff I knew had to get thrown away but I wanted to remember it.

We needed to leave for Merediths shower and in the confusion, my camera got lost amid all the boxes and papers...

I figured Id just look for it when we got back. The shower was lovely, & when we got back, I went back to looking for that stupid camera and enlisted my mom to help.

"Melissa, Meredith found your camera before we left! She gave it to you!"

"Um, NO. I didnt know she found it and she DEFINITELY didnt give it to me."

Mom calls Meredith who tells her that she gave it to MY MOM, not me. So now its on Pam's shoulders. We're turning the place upside down and I just decide to say screw it. If they find it they can send it this week. I am a little crushed though, becuase tomorrow is beggars night and I was excited to post cute pictures of all the neighborhood kids. This is the first time Ive ever given out candy!

(PS - Funny side story....Stacy grew up on a farm and for halloween, her parents had to drive them all over the countryside from house to house!! But Stacy did say, "But we really did get better stuff since all the people knew what a chore it was to trick-or-treat" If found this incredibly funny)

Oh YEAH! AND I wanted to get good scrapbooking shots!

where was i? Oh. Screw it. So Im taking my bridesmaid dress to the car (which I might add needs SERIOUS alterations...One A Cup and a chest cavity equals enough space in the torso to fit a friggin beach ball) and my dad comes outside.

"Whats that?" He points to the drive way.

There was my camera, in the middle of the drive way. I can only guess that someone carried it out en route to the shower, dropped it and it bounced under the car.

I picked it up, and it had sort of "snapped" open and when I turned it on , the screen was shattered. I felt liike I got punched in the gut.

Now get this - Mom offers to replace it as a "Christmas AND Birthday Gift" as if having a Early January birthday doesnt suck enough...

Im going to go around and break peoples things and then offer to replace it as a Christmas gift just to see their reaction and to make sure Im not out of line in my outrage...

So anyway, No more pictures. I talked to Stetson today and he's sworn off my blog and proclaimed that he'll just have to start tormenting the family blog.

Now this is where it gets funny. In all the boxes, I found my senior year Creative Writing journal from Mrs Rab's class. Basically gives a semester of my high school senior year in excrutiating detail....all the volleyball games, basketball games, unrequited crushes, Donut Man schedule, Marions pizza schedule, but amid all the details were some entries that made me laugh:

After a volleyball game: "Well, we finally beat Alter our senior year and it f**king rocks! All thier seniors were standing in a huddle crying - IT WAS GREAT!!!"

On my new volleyball shoes: "I got new volleyball shoes and they're so damn white. - Everybody says that at first glance I look like Ive only got socks on"

I cant belive Im going to share this but it was too funny: "I had a cool dream last night. I dont remember much, but I was sitting in some guys parents apartment waiting for the guy cuz teh parents had gone off to tell him that I really loved him and that I wanted to see him, so I walk out the front door and he's walking up and we get these big smiles on our faces and we're like, dirty dancing on the walkway and he looked like a cross between Mr. Russo, CJ's basketball coach and that hot guy that coaches the reserve soccer teams. It was great, and I was like, YES! Im finally gonna get some! And then I like, wake up and im like, uh, this sucks."

Im not kidding I really wrote that -

And finally, my recap of the senior Homecoming dance: "Homecoming was a blast - The only think that sucked was all the decorating we did Saturday afternoon. It took like 6 hours from start to finish so Mr. Bauser put me in charge of making sure no freshman tried to rip anything down. So of course I get really anal retentive at the dance and when people tried to rip down the gossimer from teh ceiling I went buck nutty and went on a man hunt to find who took teh gold mylar balloons off the ceiling. I found the culprit - John Hill. I went up to him and went off on him and took the balloon and walked off. Then I felt really bad about being such a bitch because John is such a nice guy. So I called him and apologized and it was all cool"

Well, I hope the content of these posts are entertaining...I dont know when Ill have pictures up again....HAPPY TUESDAY! FOUR DAYS TILL SCRAPBOOKING WEEKEND!


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Fort, you can use my camera or I can take pictures at scrapcrop weekend bonanza. Also, those journal entries are absolutely hilarious. Too bad I never kept a journal. Wonder if Stacy can still access her freshman year OU journal from her old Mac. I would love to hear those entries. Jami

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever seen you go "buck nutty" on someone. I'd like to.

Anonymous said...

Fine. I'm not getting you anything for your birthday or Christmas. Kiss my a$$.

Anonymous said...

I think we should start the "Save Fort's Camera Fund" Everyone can send you their $2 bills and then we'll make Pam go and buy the camera with all the $2's that we raise. Post the address Fort! I've got a whole stack to send ya! :)

Fort said...

994 Twincrest Ct
Cinti - 45231

im not too proud to beg at this point...

Anonymous said...

Wow. That was a rather harse response by your mother. I guess I've only seen the affectionate/caring/nurturing side of her.

Anonymous said...

...and don't worry'll get of these days.