Thursday, October 05, 2006


Had what I hope to be one of my last rugby practices ever tonight...Game vs. Dayton Women this weekend then haul it over to Brimelow to pick up Casey and then its off to Cleveland for Andy's wedding.

John went to practice with me and helped out with some of the scrum stuff. On the way home we got into a discussion about Wendy's vs. McDonalds Value meal. Ive always been a devotee of the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger, but McDonalds has really answered by throwing the double cheeseburger on their value meal. Im also a fan of ketchup and have you noticed they dont put ketchup on a Jr. Bacon? Only mayo. And the few times Ive asked for ketchup? No mayo!

(Yes, Yes, I realize im counting calories...for the record Jr Bacon is 370 & Dbl. Cheeseburger is 460!!!)

John also mentioned that the pattys were getting smaller on the Jr. Bacon and they usually just put ONE piece of bacon on the sandwich and fold it so it "Seems" like two pieces. But they're not fooling anyone becuase lately the bacon is getting rubberier and one bite and you pretty much committed to the whole thing.

We also both concluded that Wendy's must have instituted a new process in the Jr. Bacon assembly line: slamming it with a mallet. Are these intentionally smashed? Seems like it.

Ritz-Cleveland...are you ready for the 'Natti??

Also talked to Stacy on the way home...we were discussing our weekend wedding outfits.. I dont have ANYTHING appropriate for the Ritz-Carlton, so I may have to do a little shopping on Friday...who hoo!!! She was complementing herself on the outfit she chose, but then got deflated when Alisa said it wouldnt be fancy enough for the Ritz. I didnt have to even SEE the outfit before telling her that Im SURE it would be fine. Im not doing myself ANY FAVORS by encouraging my friends to wear anything FANCIER. NONE.

So I was glad she reminded me about that wedding... if not I probably would have had to pack my nicest jeans.

FYI - just so you can mark your calenders, We're having a Chili Cook-off on November 19 - Thats a Sunday and the bengals are AWAY that day, so we'll have two tvs inside, one outside, and a big ol bonfire in the back. Mark your calendars. Email me with questions or to let me know if you'll be contribuiting a dish in the contest...kelts: J-Mac will post details on the message board Friday. All are invited!!

Who's got the better Value Meal? McDonalds or Wendy's?? WHY??


Anonymous said...

Hey Fort,

Id rather have a double Quarter- pounder with cheese and seperate it as 2 sandwiches. Not worried bout the calories. Quarter Pounders are better than a single....and Mc Donalds Fries are better than Wendys...even Better when HOT/fresh from the Fryer...

Anonymous said...

Tom and I are leaving for Cleveland this week-end too. Tom made a reservation for a room in Elyria that I think will be comperable to the Ritz-Carlton...I believe it's called a Super 8. They don't have a fancy restraunt in it but they are close to a McDonalds and Wendy's I'm sure. Tom HATES McDonalds. Only thing good there,in his opinion,is breakfast. AS for me,no better hangover remedy in the world than a McDonald's double cheeseburger and a large order if fries. It's got more meat than Wendy's and I think Wendy's is DRY anymore. Remember when they 1st opened how they made a HUGE deal about how juicy their burgers were?? Enjoy your week-end and have a safe trip.We're doing the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and then Walleye fishing.And,NO kids!!!! WoOHOOO! lol

Anonymous said...

Hold Santoli(not sure if I spelled that right) getting married?!? If so CONGRATS and Fort, please post pictures!
