You might be wondering why my weekend wrap-up didnt involve a summary of the very first Cincinnati vs. Dayton matchup post-separation. Well, its because we lost, and I guess I was more a sore loser than I had thought....
Hey! Who's the bald dude out there during the women's game??? oh. thats me.

Im in a ruck and its not looking good. The ball was too far from me to try and actually pull it back to my own team, so I was throwing my leg around, violently trying to just kick it out of play when, out of nowhere, Kristen takes her boot and drives her cleat into the top of my foot!
Ten years of team-matery, and this is how its gonna end?? I was so full of piss & vinegar at this point and that was the cherry on top what had quickly become the most frustrating and gut-wrenchingly emotional day of rugby ever....
Im a MESS at the end of the game. They do a two-team photo and im easy to spot...the salty, bad-attitude whiner in the back row, ball cap pulled so far down over my face that im literally unrecognizable. (there's me again at the bottom of this ruck...oh well, good ball placement if nothing else:)
so ANYWAY...I dont want to talk to ANYONE after the game and im pouting while at the same time feeling kind of embarassed that I cant hold it together...I wont the SPORTSMANSHIP award in high school for crying out loud!!! Im a GREAT loser, dammit!! So I just leave right away and dont talk to anyone.
So we head up to Cleveland & on the way home, Im telling Stacy & Casey about the incident. But they know me a little to well to let me get away with my "Why me" saga, and start probing further, as they both seemed suspicous of "my side" of the story...
"So Fort, were you WINNING the ruck?"
"So you were just violently & innocently hacking away at the ball and you didnt hurt ANYONE in the process?"
"NO! I wasnt trying to hurt anyone! I mean...well....I SUPPOSE that maybe I COULD have kicked her in the foot or the shin, but I WASNT TRYING TO"
So they both sort of smile and nod knowingly and finally agree that I probably deserved it, despite my innocent intenions...
So im still kinda bitter about all of it and this morning I get an email from Kristen:
"I’m still sore from Saturday. I have no idea if you are aware of this but right at the end of the game I was in a ruck and someone was trying to kick the ball out and they kicked my toe very hard (I’ve been having a lot of problems with the joint on my big toe – just went to the doctor’s Friday for it) and it absolutely killed me it hurt so much. So I stomped on the foot of the player that had just kicked me. Then I looked up and it was you. Ha ha ha."
So that settles it. I deseved every cleat mark apparently, and I made sure to forward that on to the suspecting schniebers...they werent surprised im sure...
awww... I am sorry. You know I don't normally do dirty things during rugby, I think one should let their skills do the talking. But it hurt so much it was just instinct to stomp on your foot! I hope it doesn't hurt as much as my TOE STILL HURTS!
By the way, ask Netti how her cleat marks on her back are healing up... :)
I can't believe Kristen did that to you. Doesn't she know you had cancer? That's mean.
Oh come on now... By the way Stetson, where are my SHOES?? I'm sure they enjoyed the field trip to Atlanta but I miss them.
Sorry about your shoes Kristen...I should've provided you with the ebay link so you at least had a chance to bid on them. I'm sure they're much happier with their new owner.
Don't worry KJ... the nice cleat marks healed by the next day.
I was talking to someone about it that night and they basically told me I derserved it! I was like "But I was TRYING to get away!" Don't worry though...I would have done it too ;-)
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