Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Donny Fortener Funny Chronicles....

So my dad is still keeping things entertaining around here:

John had to work this morning so I came up to Dayton last night and went out to eat with my parents.

Dad & I shared a pitcher of Amber Bock (did I spell that right?) & when we finished it the waitress asked if we wanted another and dad simply replied:

"No thanks, Ill wet the bed."


The yesterday, I was in the kitchen and when I reached into the bowl of candy corn, I noticed that the brown "heels" of all the candy corns were left. SOMEONE was biting off the yellow & orange tips and putting the chocolate "heels" BACK IN THE BOWL!!!!

Dads response? "Well! I dont like the chocolate ones!"


We're off to meredith's shower & Bachelorette party tonight so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

We have that same problem in our house - except they lick them too and then put them back...Yuck!

At least I know it runs in the family..I was blaming it on my inlaws side! LOL

Anonymous said...

Your Dad must be one hilarious fellow. I'd love to meet him someday.