Sunday, November 12, 2006

Celebrating the Bachelorette!
Here's pretty much most of the bridesmaids and then some...
Oh yeah...I got wrecked last night and was violently ill this morning (I think it was the Taco Bell) and its about 6p now and john and I are still laying around recovering in Dayton. It was a fun night though & Im really only functional enough to post these pics...if you were there and you have a story to share in the comments...knock yo self out!


The following pictures depict bachelorette party antics and "dirty Novelty items" that were purchased for the event...keep the
comments on these pics to yourself!!! ;)

Ok - I said I wasnt going to write anything but this was sort of funny...On the way to the shower, mom was harassing me about this hair she could see on my chin and was freaking out and try to get me to pluck it. I tried. I thought I got it and then we get to the bar and this guy walks by and goes, "Hey, Look at her beard." So I start getting paranoid because I only thought there was just ONE little straggler, but apparently, now I had a beard. But then I realized he was saying BEER and not you will now see why...

Ok, then Mo shook up her beer and well, lets just say she got it a little excited...FANTASTIC photography work by mom...Leanne & I watch in amazement.
Me, Meridith & mom....although I dont know If I was supposed to be in this shot.

The girl wanted to bowl, and bowling she got - Here, Meredith & her foot fetish are happlily satisfied!! Had a great time girls! It was great to meet all of you finally! :)


Anonymous said...

I love the awkward picture of you in the background of Meredith and your mom...reminds me of a certain picture I have of you in the know the one! Jami

Anonymous said...

Next time you have a bachelorette party, let me know if you need some male 'talent.'

Do we get an Ohio State/Michigan post this week? I'm headin up to CBus on Thursday night! Anyone else looking to start fires and tip over some cars?? Should be a crazy weekend!