Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ok - I know im making some sort of breach by posting this picture off the photographers website...but It let me! and I was going to direct you to her website anyway so you were going to see this picture no matter what... she'll probably have some more pictures up later this week, but for now, it looks like she found a gem for her home page! www.nicolecphotography.com check it out! She did a great job!

I felt old today. I had a customer on the phone and at the end of the conversation i said, "Thanks, Hun." It just came out! I felt old. When ever I say it I always think of Flo from that show Alice...like, I hang up with customer, chomping on my gum....."Thanks, Hun" then a co-worker annoys me and Ill start yelling, "Kiss my GRITS!" .....its only a matter of time.

What makes you feel really old?


Anonymous said...

What makes me feel old? Seeing my nieces and nephews getting married.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy eating Grape Nuts cereal and black licorice!

Anonymous said...

Seeing my chalkboard buddy's little brother get married. Being called ma'am and my little girl telling me that I am 60 because she has no concept of age right now.

Anonymous said...

Kids that were born the Year that I/You Graduated in......or Kids that say "God your the same age as My Father or Mother".....

Anonymous said...

not feeling comfortable in tight jeans and heels anymore.

Anonymous said...

Having your kids ask you why you know the words to the "newest song on the radio" and you have to admit that it's really an "oldie" that was remade....then they ask you what an "oldie" is...lol