So today I made a point to jot down all the funny or poignant moments of my day and as it turns out, a seeming eventless day prouduced some decent material.
Im gonna Tarentino todays post and start with the end of the day first. I got home and it was warm enough to open the windows and get some serious spring cleaning done. Remember the post about scrapbook mountain where every thing kept coming back to Stacy and all her little quirks? (Milk on oatmeal, sleeping cross-legged, etc)....Well, she has influenced my life once again.
You see, the other day I took a five mile power walk and came back with some massive blisters. I went to work and googled "Blister Prevention" and one of the main things I noticed was to not wear worn out shoes. As many of you who have known me since college, some of the shoes above have been with me for quite some time. A few of them are pushing ten years, no joke. I just have a hard time parting with shoes I guess. A eight year old pair of gym shoes screams, "Low maintence"...."I dont need a new hundered dollar pair of nikes im not even going to run in"...."Im comfortable looking like a bum"....things like that.
So anyway, a few weeks ago I had noticed that Stacy had bought a new pair of kicks and she made the comment that when she buys a new pair of gym shoes, she throws the old pair away....
"WHAT?" I asked.
She said old gym shoes stinks up her closet (Which would make our closets smell like Mt. Rumpke - Rumpkes the trash collecting company).
Well, after the myriad of blisters from recent walks, I decided Stacy had a point. So I whined to my mom the other day about the blisters.....blah blah blah....and I didnt have money to spend on new shoes....blah blah blah....cancer card.....blah blah blah....and next thing I know, she's telling me she has a 30% discount card to KOHL's that expires THAT NIGHT, so I meet her in Middletown and pick out a new pair of shoes (the pink/black/silver ones) and got 30% off an already cheap shoe - love kohls by the way...
So now I have a new pair of gym shoes and Im officially......THROWING ALL THREE PAIRS OUT. I feel kind of sad about it. They've been a part of me for so many years. But they've got to go. I wanted to take one last picture of them for those of you who have spent years and years of quality time with them.
I was driving to work today and putting on eyeliner (IT WAS AT A STOP LIGHT...SHUT UP ABOUT IT).... and I got a chunk of black eyeliner wax in my eye and when I went to rub it out of my eye it moved to my finger. Then I itched my face, almost rubbing a line of eyeliner on my cheek...and the memories came flooding back.
It was my junior year at OU, and I was in a class with stadium seating and I was towards the front, close to the end. I kept noticing that this one girl kept staring at me. I kept thinking what a stalker she was and was getting a little freaked out.
Class is out....I walk into the busy hallway of students.
I run into a girl on my rugby team. We're talking for like five minutes before she's all, "Uh, Fort, You've got something on your face."
I look at her with confusion. Ive been sitting in class all day. Not a whole lot going on there.
I go into the bathroom to discover a delimma of cosmic porportions.
It seems as though while in class, I was messing around in my purse and in my purse, was either an uncapped eyeliner pencil, or a chip of the tip of the pencil. Either way. a chunk of black eyeliner wax made it onto my hand, where I subsequently itched or touched myface, in a way that left approximately 5-6 thick black lines on and around my face.
I panicked, as most of you know, a piece of wet toilet paper does not make for a great eyeliner removal...especially if its water proof. It was theraputic to share this tragic event of my life with you all.
Wow! Im sick of typing! And I actually had the most important story of the day still to come! It will have to wait until tomorrow in the meantime, check out the weight bench we bought each other for our anneversary....we will PAHMP...YAU UP!!!
Question of the day:
In what movie does the word "Myriad" (or "the use of the word") add significance to someone's suicide letter? Who's letter?
Bonus question - If you know what movie im talking about, name all the "girls" last names.
Happy AnnEversary guys...JG
I have 3 pairs of gym shoes and they move in a rotation.
Pair 1: New running shoes. Used for running/working out only.
Pair 2: Social shoes a.k.a. Retired running shoe. Not enough cushion left to use for running, but still in good condition as far as looks go because of the limited (but high impact) wear.
Pair 3: Work shoes a.k.a. retired social shoe. The shoes are nasty at this point so I use them for yard work, painting, etc. Not great to spend an entire Saturday in them (no cushion) and I'd really like to mow in sandles but it just isn't smart...
I'm out of sync at the moment because I really need new running shoes but in general, this is a good rotation. When new shoes are bought, the old work shoes are thrown out and the rest move down the line.
Enough about your socks and shoes. You know what your audience really wants...bras and panties!!!
read my blog about bra underwire and then the socks won't seem so bad,hun.
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