A few thoughts for Monday....
The "New and Improved" BETA Version....????
- I upgraded my yahoo account (above) to the "New and Improved" BETA version, what ever that means. Now it pretty much looks exactly like my Outlook. I will admit that I like it better, but does anyone else feel like they're getting mixed signals from technology? I mean, 20 years ago, VHS was edging out the smaller, BETA Video tapes. When ever you saw someone with a beta vcr, you just laughed, and shook your head. The Video Rental places didnt have NEARLY the selection if you had BETA.
- Which brings me to another thought. Isnt the sole purpose of technology to make things smaller and more efficient? So how did Betamax become the red-headed stepchild of VCR owners? Hmmmm.....I might have to research that. I smell conspiracy.
- Someone had hiccups this weekend and Stewy threw out a sure-fire cure. (My moms old cure was to chug water while pressing firmly behind ones earlobes - You cured your hiccups by making your brain focus more on the impossible feat of dexterity it took to do so) Stewy said to hold your nose, and chug water until you cant chug any more, and then take ONE MORE CHUG. Apparently this flushes out all the oxygen or something.....we were drunk, I forget the explanation but I do intend to try it. My hiccups can be violently painful.
- I have TWO main ways to get to work - Ronald Regan Highway and I-275. They are now officially, both under contstruction. Down to one lane....both of them. Who are the f**king morons who forgot that a million people travel from the west to the east side of Cincinnati? WHen they started the construction on 275, the RR Hwy traffic got worse. I dont know what the hell we're all going to do now. Please dont say get up earlier.
- Played volleyball tonight. Won all three....played like crap. Decent serves and one good block. I think my shirt was too tight. Sometimes im more focused on sucking in my gut than I am on the game and it just throws me all off. Also if I eat dinner and get a little "gassy" during the game, Ill hold back and down balls that should be kills because Im afraid that if I jump, Ill rip one in mid air when I make contact. Just ask my rugby teammates. I had a habit of farting when I was lifting in the lineouts. Its embarassing.
- I am a big fan of the Geico Caveman commercials.
- John made fish tonight and we cleaned out the fridge of about 6 tupperware containers of moldy leftovers. The place smells like a dumpster. Thank god the trash goes out tomorrow.
- Im supposed to be drinking water ALL THE TIME with this new chemo. Its supposed to be a strain on the kidneys and I need to keep them flushed at all times. Im not doing as much as I should. Throughout the day, could you please shoot me an email and remind me to take a swig of my water? I keep it on my desk, but its water. Its just BOR-ING.
- I called Darian "Dar-jonaisse" Bonnell about going to the lake with us this weekend and he never called me back. Maybe he'll read my blog and get off his skinny ass and call me back!
- I asked john to clean off the pan he made fish in because it was seriously reeking when I left. He said, "No problem, shmoop". I got home and it was still on the stove. He was sleeping on the couch. I loudly unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. Clanging pans in frustration. "That'll show him," I thought. That was an hour ago and he still hasnt woke up.
- I am a horrible gardener. I planted these fun "Summer Bulbs" I got from Lowes. After I planted them, I watered them, but decided they probably wouldnt grow anyway because I suck at gardening. So I bought some sweet williams and planted them over the bulbs. The Sweet Williams havent died yet but the bulbs are actually growing but they just look like giant blades of grass among the flowers. It looks rediculous. They would have been much better in the back of the flower bed. My MIL got me all these country home magazines that I SHOULD be learning from. You're supposed to stagger them so the tall ones arent in front of the shorter ones. I mean, DUH.
- I think i have an addiction to this little blue hand held tetris game. I play it while I watch tv. Sometimes hours at a time. Tonight, I was sitting on the couch, and I had an urge. It was like an itch. I turned and looked for it. John was playing. HE NEVER PLAYS IT! I tried to keep my cool and just stared at him. I saw him finish the game but when he saw me glaring at him he got this goofy smile and started to pretend to play just to stall me. I just shook my head "no" and he gave it to me.
ok...im done for today.
Oh my dear non-geeky friend:
"Beta" versions have nothing to do with betamax. Beta versions of software are test versions. Usually they are still a little "buggy" (have problems with the code that makes the software work) and not all that stable.
Comments on the rest of your blog...
I had to take 275 to get to my high school rugby match a few weeks ago. I agree, WHAT A NIGHTMARE.
We won our vball match tonight too! Your comments on your digestive issues had me rolling though...
The Geico Cavemen are getting their own sitcome in the fall. I'm not joking. Google it.
A good garden takes planning. Sounds dumb but it's true. Sit down with a pencil and paper and some of your magazines and PLAN your garden.
Watch out for tetris. I had to stop playing it because I was trying to put blocks together in my sleep. oi.
Hell No H2O!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK - Try the little kool-aid powder packets - makes the water a little better or does it have to be straight water?
Chug - a - lug big girl! :)
Here's my sales pitch:
Everyone claims to have a cure for the hiccups, but I swear this works for me every time! No need to take yoga to be nimble enough to cure your hiccups! All you have to do is trick your body in to 'thinking' it's drowning!
The hiccup cure is called the Hughes/Green method. You can do an internet search and find it...the site explains why it works and everything.
As for the hiccups I do a shot of lemon juice , lime juice , pickle juice...whatever is available. It works every single time.
I had to download a new browser since Safari isn't updating fast enough to keep up. With it came the beta version of Yahoo. I got a message from someone I don't even know asking to be added to my address book. It's like Messenger through your mail which I am NOT happy about! And,it does remind me of outlook express and I'm not liking it,either.
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