Sunday, June 03, 2007

Is this a coyote? A wolf? Someones family pet?
So I come home yesterday and I look out into the backyard, and see what looks like a piece of wood lying in the grass. Kinda shaped like a dogs head or something. I get my camera and go out the back door and this little guy gets up. Scrawny, mangy little thing. Ran off into the woods. Should we be worried? He was just hanging out in the shade, not bothering anyone.

Heres a closeup of the picture.

Congrats Mandi!

Another fun filled nite out with the Ya-Ya- celebrating Mandi's upcoming nuptuals. Had a Pure Romance party at Brendas. I wont go into details about that though! I was pretty wiped out from driving to Dayton THREE TIMES in one week (Chemo, gpas/dads birthday dinner & this) but Mandi is always there to talk me into doing a shot. And lets face it, I never put up much of a fight!

Eewwwwww.....Thats the face of good tequila.

After the shower, it was back home for an early night in. Saturday morning mom, Ruth and I went out for coffee at McDonalds and I was home just in time for John to wake up (he's been working Second shift all week) and hang out with him for a few hours before he had to go back in.

I had plans to head to Matt & Tinas in Waynesville for their party but it started raining and I fell asleep for like 4 hours. I figured they werent going to have people over if it was raining, but then KJ called at like 830 and said it was still going strong. I had promised her we could sleep in my tent, and it sounded like everyone was having a good time so I quickly packed, threw the tent in the car and headed up. Great time as usual - Thanks to Tina and Matt for again hosting a great party at what can only be described as Disneyland for Drunks....camping, volleyball, hottubbing, great beer and plenty of it, and a campfire that can only be rivaled by a high school pep rally. Always a good time!

Stewy, Me, Casey & Grubb.....and Grubb is wearing a swimsuit, so technically she gets away with having her pants off.

Im finding myself taking at least one of these self-portraits a month....Stewy's the one who's friend hooked me up with that priceless photo of the Orchestra "Lettermans Jacket" shot.

Our tent is awesome - This was the one we got for our wedding. Kristen and I put it up ALL BY OURSELVES. Since I was bringing the tent, I was just going to let someone else put it up....but we ended up doing it and I was REALLY proud of myself....only had to look at the directions once. ok twice. Me, KJ and Aaron "Johnny Watts Junior" Pertner all stayed in the OU alumni Dome. Let me know if youre interested in camping some weekend over the summer....We're going to spread our wings and fly to Winton Woods I think. Yes, its just 4 short miles away from us...but with gas at this price? It'll do.

Pretty uneventful week ahead. This weekend we'll head up to Indian Lake and then stay for the next week - we're taking our vacation this month. Who knows if anything exciting will happen this week. Probably not.

Let me know what you think about the "creature" in our backyard.....

Have a great week!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think its a coyote or one ugly ass dog. - Dad

Anonymous said...

I looked up you mangy dog. It looks like a young wolf or coyote not much difference in their looks. But it wasn't in a pack so I seriousely dought it will harm you. Just don't feed it or it will never go away. LOL

Aileen said...

Most likely a coyote,in this area. Plus,they are more likely to wander off on their own. They pop up all around our area,up here. In fact,we hit one with a jeep on the way to a Dayton Bomber's game a few years back. In town,they are probably more afraid of you than you are of it. If it keeps hanging around I'ld call pet control. They can catch it and release it in a more suitable environment.

Anonymous said...

I'll be sure not to let Zach out in your backyard by himself!! That's scary!

Anonymous said...

City Girl! That is a Coyote or a Canis latrans for those of you less educated. Who am I kidding, I used Wikipedia to look up the official name.

I sure miss Grubb, thanks for posting a pic of her in a bathing suit.

Surly Tammy.

Aileen said...

Tom said it is definitely a coyote. They tend to be tan in color. He says they eat small animals are are pretty harmless to humans. This one,however,looks pretty under-nurished and he thinks may be sick.

Liquid said...

Hey Melissa!
Was just surfing the net and found your blog. Very interesting!