Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cincinnati: Putting the "ASS" back in "CLASSY"
I cant deny I've always been a fan of novelty t-shirts. Typically reserved for Junior High boys and retired men, I was pleased to see this middle-aged woman sporting one of the funniest and disturbing novelty t-shirts Ive seen in awhile. This was at the Oktoberfest this weekend. Bravo Lady!

Dont Forget! Volley for the cure is THIS WEDNESDAY!!! There was a bit of a "snafu" with the t-shirts and it turns out I only have one Small (for willie) and a bunch of XL's and ONE 4X...eek. This was partially my fault. I know I took orders and I have failed a few of you. I honestly thought there would be plenty more ordered to fill what I forgot to order and the tshirts sold out in a matter of HOURS. I will be contacting those of you who pre-ordered to let you know what's available. If you're still coming down for the game, wear a pink shirt just in case. Here I am with co-workers Jessica and Molly:
This was a busy weekend and the pics are already WAY out of order so here goes....this is really the only shot I took of the Finneytown/Wyoming football game on Friday night. Finneytown lost. I think we're the bad luck charm. It really sucked bc Finneytown was undefeated and hadn't beaten Wyoming in seventeen years. Not sure what happened there - oh right...we showed up. Here's the band - and one of our varsity setters front middle Ashley "A-Lew" Lewis on the clarinet. I could hardly imagine picking up a kazoo on the couch when I played hs sports let alone join the marching band. props to you, Ashley & Abby!
J-Mac and smiley Chuck at Haps:
Continuing our bad luck charm effect, we headed to Brimelow on Saturday to watch the hounds loose to the Chicago Griffins. Not satsified with spreading the suck, we headed to the Queen City pitch to contribute to the Kelts loss to Queen City. Of all the games we could have attended this weekend only the one we didnt go to (Cincy Ladies vs Dayton Ladies in dayton) did a favorable outcome occur. On a happier note, I had a few beers at the pitch, and then at the Vogue....and then at Haps.....(yes mom, I lied - big time - I was boozin' it up when I talked to you) and felt better than I have in SIX MONTHS. Apparently it wasnt the chemo that was kicking my butt, I was simply suffering from a serious HOPS DEFICIENCY.

Oh yeah, and we did make it to Haps, just for ONE BEER (promise mom) and got to see MaryAnn & Tom Sweeney, our favorite Haps regulars! She's my sister survior, who, after a unimpressive trip to our local Wellness Center, informed me "Screw the Wellness Center, Come to Haps!" Of course I was spacey and forgot my camera, so here's an old picture of us, actually about two years ago at one of the fundraisers.

Ok, Ive meant to blog about this on numerous occasions, and I would like some feedback.


I dont even have words for this comic strip. Day after day, Sunday after painfully colorful Sunday I see this strip and is this person making a living off of this???? The art is something I could have achieved in high school, and the humor is JUST AWFUL. Time after time, I catch sight of those chinless characters and, like a train wreck, I am pulled in to see what sort of cheesy, unfunny antics they're up to again.

Does anyone else have any sort of comment on "The Dinette Set"? Do you find this funny? Is there another comic strip that you hate more? I want to know.

Oh yeah.....I BLEACHED my hair this weekend. Every five minutes I change my mind on whether I like it or not. Right now Im not feeling it. Now I have to face my girls tomorrow. Oh the honest expression of a 15 year old. God Save ME!!!!!

After telling my brother about what I did, he responded, "Why do you take your life out on your hair?" That kids not just a pretty face, folks. Quite astute, indeed!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish you would have brought your 'bad luck charm' self up to dayton...not only so the dayton ladies would have won, but so we all could have seen you. the wuerstl's got you a present, if you didn't know, and it's awesome...we all missed you!