Thursday, September 27, 2007


Ok - Let me just quickly address the SUCKFEST that was my visit to ENT doc this afternoon. Long story short? The ringing in my ears and sudden hearing loss is in about a THRITY FIVE PERCENT LOSS according to the test. Here are a few highlights: (yes, Jami & stacy Im TOTALLY copying IBBB - everyone else, IBBB is a blog that we've all become addicted to. We "heart" the Hills and this dude gives THE BEST wrap-ups. PERIOD. The shiz: Ok, back to the appointment:

  • Doc looks at report and excitedly says, "Well! You're 29 and you have the hearing of a FIFTY-NINE year old!" Does this mean I can finally retire?

  • Even with a 35% loss, as I was taking the test in the sound booth, here's a little sneak peek into my inner thoughts: "Ok, heard that...'yes'......heard that, 'yes'......heard that, 'yes', oh, that was really quiet but I definitely thought i heard something, 'yes', ok, this must be the part where she doesnt make the headphones beep, like she's trying to keep me honest, ....ok, defintely heard that, 'yes', im hearing all these low tones, im passing the test, they're totally going to think im an idiot for coming in here, heard that, 'yes', great, I have 100% hearing and they're going to think Im the biggest hypochondriac." Unfortunately that was not the case.

  • The doc says, "You have any Idea what may have brought this on?" I start rattling off the insanity of medical procedures, and conclude with the chemo. "What chemos are you on?" Cisplatin was the only one I could think of. "Nuff said" he replies. "The Platinum agents in those chemos will cause hearing loss." Thats SUPER!

  • Anyway, there is no cure, we just hope it goes away. He said the only thing he could really give me was Xanax....WHAT??? I guess it just lowers the stress that can make the constant ear ringing less tolerable. I told John and he laughed. "Yeah, I got this ear-ringing, but its all good."

  • Ears are ringing right now. Im going back in a month to see if things have improved. I can deal with the hearing loss but this ringing might make me go totally mad!!!

  • Got home from the appointment to get ready for the:


I gotta tell ya. Despite all the shit thats been dumped in my lap for the last four years (can you belive its been four years?) I have to say the good stuff seems to pour in at about the same clip as the bad. I never thought we'd ever actually be out of the apartment and in a house, and Id always hoped to have some sort of community involvement whereever we ended up, but I have to tell you, I never imagined in my wildest dreams Id be coaching hs volleyball and driving a pickup truck full of my players through the streets of Finneytown. All the sports teams, (Middle school-hs) marching band, Homecoming King/Queen Candidates, and maybe some clubs?- All parade through the streets and end up at the high school for a class vs. class game of dodge ball. This is a great place to live!!! Here some of the girls wait for the parade to start: Paige, Bri, Kaitlin, Laney & Melissa:

Katie, Me, Kylie & the future Homecoming Queen - STEPH!!!!!
Steph and Patrick Dawson rode behind Coach Baker's car. Shoe-in if you ask me.
Abby ups her marching band cool factor by representin' the Volleyball team....WHUT WHUT!
Varsity girls in their pick-em-up:
We were behind the soccer team - All the teams bring bags of candy and throw it out to all the kids in the neigborhood. The kid in front of me actually had a bag of dog bones and was running off the platform and treating all the dogs that were out - quite a few!

Oh are a few pics Stacy took at the Volley for The Cure last team, and me with Melissa, in the "We 'heart' Fort" t-shirts the varsity team wore for warmups....awesome.

I didnt even mention anything to John about when I left - I had explained that Im like an infant with all of this - everything is brand new. Luckly I called him and he got back to the high school to see the end of the parade as we were coming back.

I havent had a really good question of the day in awhile- and I was bummed that no one had an opinion on "The DInette Set"....seriously? Are you all just being nice? I doubt the lady that writes it reads my blog. (And if you know her, please dont forward the link)


What is your favorite music video EVER?


Anonymous said...

OK, i'll bite (even though i'm just a blog-lurker from San Diego/Charleston). One of my favorite videos is/was Bruce Springsteen's "Dancing in the Dark" where he pulls Courtney Cox onstage. There's just a good vibe/energy in that video. Oh, and that comic strip from a couple of entries ago? Random CRAP!!

Anonymous said...

At least now you have an excuse to talk loud(er) :P

Madonna - Human Nature.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting some VB pics, Coach. Mine sucked (wrong setting on camera, everything was blurry). I'm glad you had fun in the parade. It's a fun community thing.

Anonymous said...

The Hills makes my ears ring too.

Hurt By Johnny Cash is one for the ages
Sabotage by the Beastie Boy is a classic

Also, Hands by the Raconteurs is pretty cool...and relevant considering your hearing problems.

Anonymous said...

pink floyd high hopes...loved it, jami

Anonymous said...

a ha's take me on. the a ha video is the greatest 80's cheese.

Anonymous said...

Jami- I went on youtube and watched that video. You are so much deeper than I give you credit for. BIZARRE!!!!

Mary Lou said...


The Dance by Fleetwood Mac. I like that old people music because...well you know.

LOVE your writing! Your personality bounces out all over the pages.

Email me at

Mrs Holland, your fifth grade teacher!

Anonymous said...

i will have to agree that A HA take me on is a great video. i also really like thriller.. come on zombies, the real MJ and great tunes LOVE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

In my day It would have been anything Elvis - oops those were 45's. Glad to see someone mentioned Thriller - to date best videos - young and old alike could sing and dance in addition to watch.

You have more energy than anyone I know. A faithful reader!!

Lifeisinthechaos said...

There is no contest here. It has to be NO RAIN by Blind Melon from 1993. Remember the "Bee Girl?"