Got a late start to the Mountain this year. I an appt with another audiologist at University of all places, so I got to fight insane NB 75 traffic at the end of the day to meet Stacy to head up. Throw in a 2-milelong freight train that simply stopped in the middle of Hamilton (blocking about 6 northbound intersections until we found an underpass to get by) and needless to say, we were chomping at the bit by the time we got there...
So happy to get back to sweet mess that is Scrapbook Mountain. John and I went out to dinner the night before we left and he told me that he had been thinking about scrapbook mountain and how he decided that it had many similarities to a Meth Binge....the 48 hours of non-stop scrapmania, the wiggle scissor obsessions, etc. I said, "Wow! I never thought about that! You have any IDEA how much scrapbooking we could get done on meth??" Thats when he stopped laughing.
JAMI! You were NOT forgotten! Since Jami couldnt make it this time because of work, I made sure to keep her pictures up at all times:
Jami, you asked for the highlights, so here they are, in no particular order:
- I almost tripped over Aunt Helen's breathing machine twice
- They "outlawed" radios this year and it kind of sucked. Although we did watch The Office late night on Stacy's laptop without reprimand.
- Jean has a really neat heart border punch, you'll have to try it out in February if she doesnt take over your desk and start punching your pages herself.
- Helen scrapbooked more in the last three days than she has in all four events Ive been to. I think she racked up a solid 2.5 hours of scrapbooking over the course of the weekend.
- Megan, my cousin's girlfriend (you'll meet her in Feb.) has (according to Stacy) the CUTEST SNORE EVER. This is a feat, as Stacy typically gets annoyed if the wind is blowing too loud outside. Ask Stacy to imitate the snore. She thinks its precious!
- Im done with patterened paper. Its not my thing any more. I have a formula.
- Christine coined my "formula" a "Double Deckle"....Deckle Fiskars on the photo, mounted on deckle trimmed paper. Let Stacy tell you all about it.
- Johnny Mac just walked by the computer and said, "The only thing better than Scrapbook Mountian?.....Blogging about scrapbook mountain."
- It was WAY warmer this year than last year.
- Met a nice woman who drove all the way from St. Louis! She had an infectious laugh-definitely someone we should go out drinking with if she's ever in town again.
- Emma is still ADORABLE!!!
- Jeanie still blacks out for hours at a time.
Every flippin time I go to SBM, I say, "This time things will be different. This time Ill do pages one at a time, cleaning up as I go, keeping everything in a neat, orderly condition." Needless to say, about 17 minutes after we arrived, my desk looked like a scrapbook store threw up on it.
If this blog had audio, you would be able to hear Jean in the background begging me to use this heart border punch she had. FOUR HOURS of poking and prodding to use that damn heart border punch. I did finally use it but I dont think she was nearly satisfied. Maybe in February Jean! Ok, onto the pages - I finished FIFTY-FOUR Pages this weekend, and I am absolutely pooped! We were up until 2am on Friday night and 3am on Saturday, (AND NO SLEEPING IN) and worked until about 2:30-3 on Sunday. But I got all the pages done I had planned on so I was pretty pumped. Here's a few of my favorites:
My goal is to put a post up EVERY DAY this week, as punishment for neglecting the blog all week. Im sorry, nothing was going on, I was sitting in front of the tv cropping & mounting pictures all week to cut out some of the "grunt work" and give me as much time as possible to finish pages....obviously it worked! Maybe in february Ill take more pictures of people actually scrapbooking- Jan, Jean, Judy, Alisa, email me your pics if you have any!
Man, your pages look great Fort! I think I forget how to scrapbook looking at your pages!!! Love, J
You really make me want to scrapbook!! Let me know details for the next SBM! --- Misti
Way to Go for 54 pages....Is that a Record for you on SBM weekend...Im Surprised. I look forward seeing them at Thanksgiving.
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