Sunday, June 18, 2006

CONGRATS to David & Amy Fortener!!!

Attended the weddding of my cousin Dave this weekend. It was a good time. It was at St. Helen's... the same place where my folks were married a hundered years ago. They've really done a lot of asthetic updates on the place...I think it looks nice! (Although they pulled out all the pews and replaced them with chairs...and I quote Grandma Rotert: "The place looks like a synagogue!!)

I was also pleasantly surprised to find that after "schootching" down to the end seat to take pictures, I found that the end seat DOES NOT, I REPEAT, does not have a kneeler in front of it. So for those of you who attend wedding at St. Helen's, ALWAYS bring a camera and request the end seats, so when everyone else is kneeling, you can just point to the hard floor and shrug your shoulders. (And please dont be the 12-yr old suck up on the other side of the aisle kneeling on floor, you're not doing me any favors)

Mr. & Mrs. David Fortener

Dave & I share a dollar dance

Here are all the Fortener ladies: Steph & Mary, Judy, Jan, Jean, Kim, Grandma, Me, & mom in the front. The stuffed animal was from Aunt Helen and sings a Teddy Ruxpin-esque version of "I Hope you'll dance" on helium...And not your typical 10 second toy version....the WHOLE SONG. Maybe Ill take it to my next chemo and sit it on my lap and stroke its head while it sings to me, then Ill get up and pull my IV pole around the treatment room and dance with it a la Fred Astaire.

We left soon after that. We could be at a Free Money Party and my brother would still find something he would rather be doing and want to leave early. Its best to just pacify him and go before he gets fussy.

Also want to throw an apology out to all the NASCAR fans out there, especially Judy & Bobby...I got called out at the reception, maybe I was a little to harsh in previous posts. Its not the was the PDA. Oh wait, you guys do that too...HA!! You're my favorite pit crew.

We hung out at he & Meridiths apartment for a while after that, got UDF and went home.

Its sunday and Im supposed to "pose" for this Rugby calendar the team is doing. Im a little embarassed over the whole thing, becuase I just dont know that people are going to take this seriously or what. We've got some cute girls on our team but how I got nominated to do this i DO NOT KNOW. Hopefully the photographer can do some serious belly airbrushing.

We're supposed to pick a Dayton "Landmark" or some sort of prop. They wanted me to pose with an antique car, but Ive found a friend in this black do-rag lately and people keep telling me I look like a biker. What I need is a Harley. So I got my moms friends on the phone - Jennifer and Tom were going to do it but they were taking her folks to lunch during my time slot, so luckily Emily & Ron were able to step up...were supposed to be doing this at the Fraize Pavillion at 130 today...Ill take my camera and show you whats goign on. I expect you all to buy one of these calendars. Please dont laugh if they try to make me look sexy. Acutally, DO LAUGH, because I certianly will be.

Ok - heres one of the pictures that my mom took...I think the ones they use will be closeups which is good because my jeans and my top were ENTIRELY too tight. I think he took about 20 or so shots so im keeping my fingers crossed that at least ONE of them looks ok - we did some with and without the cap on...if the baldness sells more calendars, im ok with it...

Oh yeah - Test results. I got the call back from Romer's office and the "new" test results that were comparing "apples to apples" came back much lower than the one I had done in Cincinnati with a different lab. Still a smidge higher than the ones romer had done originally, but im not too concerned about it yet. He's keeping me on the same regimen of chemo for now, and Ill probably have another tumor marker test two weeks after my next treatment, if its not improving by then, then maybe some PET or CAT scans, that will inevitibly show that I have been miraculously cured. Thats the plan as I see it for now. Thats all folks!
Happy Fathers Day!!


sharont said...

oh do entertain me. keep on writing girl and we'll keep on readin. sure wish I could figure out a way for you to make $$ from your writing...wouldn't that be fun? ok. love ya ST

Anonymous said...

Your bald head is so HOT! :)

Anonymous said...

when the calenders come out you'll have to post info on how to buy one. I'm with kj....bald bikers chicks are hot!-aileen

Anonymous said...

mo-come to the dark side, you and jon can have have 2 of our daytona 500 anytime you want (daytona in feb isn't bad at all. plus the beer flows all day and night)