Thursday, June 08, 2006

Well, as im sure you're all figuring out, Im pretty much a slug 5 days after chemo. Im finally starting to pick back up but Im not 100%. Nothing exciting has happened in the last week, unless you consider me coming home and laying on the couch/bed for 5 hours before actually falling asleep exciting.

But I think im finally getting back up again - looks like we're going up to the lake this weekend to visit the in laws. Ill try to get John & his dad really drunk so I have some funny stories to tell. I know I've really hit the wall with these boring posts...Pauly, Im sorry. My intention of this blog was to keep YOU entertained so if Im failing...forgive me! Im trying!

For those of you who care, im offically back at the Kenwood office. Its nice, and I think my body is responding well to having a window and some fresher air!

I had some blood work done yesterday. I think it might be the tumor marker one but Im not sure. Its a BIG deal in determining if the chemo is working....hopefully Ill hear something early next week. Ill let ya know.

Unless something incredibly exciting happens tomorrow...have a good weekend!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah-I miss that shirt!!! It was a gift from my brother...who I only get to see like once a year now. ...but, I guess it's no use trying to give a guilt trip to the cancer patient, huh?? Especially one that I hear is so good at using the cancer card! Glad you got a cool jersey out of the deal at least. Think of you often and love the blog! ~Rachel