Friday, July 21, 2006


For those of you lucky enough to have pounded an Aquarium (or Six) with Shannon Krause at The Pub in's an update...She stopped drinking long enough for someone to make an honest woman out of her!!! IM NOT EVEN KIDDING!! Krause, congrats. I was going to blast on you for neglecting to invite us to the Beantown nuptuals, but then I remembered, you werent invited to mine, and I still dont even know what your new last name is...but thanks for the pictures, and please dont forget to update us on Roops wedding behaivor, its always good for a story....lets just hope this time around the phrase, "JIM!! Did you get hit by a car?" doesnt arise.

People. Im becoming addicted to this blog. I cant stop. Im going to have to visit Bloggers Anonymous this weekend...

"Hi, My name is Melissa, and Im a Blogaholic"
"Hi, Melissa."
"It started as a way to keep people updated on my chemotherapy issues, but then I started blogging about the plumbing.....I was blogging at work....and after my boss told me to stop I still would creep on for the fix. Its affecting my job. Checking to see what people are posting in the comments has become my drug. Was it 8 comments last time? Or seven? MY GOD I BETTER CHECK!!!"
Crowd Gasps.
Counselor: "People! People! We're not here to judge!!
Crowd Calms down.
Counselor: Lets close....
All: "God grant us the serenity to accept the posts we cannot change; courage to change the posts we can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Seriously people....Im taking a day off tomrrow to detox. Back Sunday night.

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