Saturday, July 22, 2006

The setting was beautiful. A little piece of land outside of Urbana. A neat little log cabin, a tent for the ceremony and lunch, and lots of land. It seems as though John & I's reception keg tossing sparked something in his sister Aileen to compete. What could she & Tom POSSIBLY have in store for their reception to compete against a recption keg toss?
The Setting:

The dress was casual. When my father-in-law showed up in khaki shorts and the snazziest celtic socks and loafers, I couldnt resist getting a shot. (On the way home, Susan commented on how she was CERTAIN that he was wearing Ohio State many beers did you drink?....ok nevermind I can see where you might have thought that.)

The ceremony was great - a nice celtic flair. Ask my fellow kelts will notice, the kilt was not Camoflauge. I guess you cant buy them and they weren't able to be produced. Kelts? Do you recognize that kilt?? Thats right! Its the utility kilt that O'Connor wears! I kind of felt bad because when I was talking to Tom when I got there, I said, "Hey! I like your kilt! One of the guys on our rugby team is too big for a sport kilt so he got one of those!" I dont know if it was insulting or not, really. Tom isnt that big, and to be honest, I dont know if Brendan just WANTED that kind of kilt. But the kelts are lame because none of them wear their kilts to the after parties anymore anyway so screw them!

Certainly one of the highlights for us all was seeing Ohio's #1 mullet live and in person. Im not talking about clicking through This was business in the front and party in the back TO THE MAX. What sucks is that you cant go up to these people and say, "HEY! You're hair is looking FANTASTICALLY REDICULOUS! Mind if we take your picture?" Theres a line even I wont cross.

But all Erin wanted was her picture taken with this guy. She's what I like to call a mullet connisseur. And when I say "with" I dont mean that they put their arms around each other, I mean, you have to find that perfect moment where nobody knows what you're doing, you stand behind the person, look all excited, give a descreet "Thumbs-Up" and take care of it quickly and quietly.

Oh yeah, did you also notice the background of that picture? If you look at Super Mullet Man's forearm, theres a guy laying on the ground getting ready to shoot...Thats right folks, the reception keg toss got some serious competition with the reception firing range. I dont know how many guns there were, Im guessing around 15 or so? (sorry that my gun knowledge sucks..there were big ones, and little ones) They were shooting at some piled up railroad ties with targets on them. Thought shooting one might make some good blog material but Ive never shot a gun before*** and a 50 Caliber BMG (what ever that is) sounded intimidating. Some receptions you get they passed around a box of ear plugs

*Can I just interject here about the mullet? I dont even know the guy so I dont want to come off blasting on him. We just appreciate it, thats all, we arent hating on it. I havent come to a conclusion on the mullet. Part of me wants to think its like the people who still "peg" or "tight roll" their pants...that they just dont know any better and in that case, we should feel bad. But I like to think that its done intentionally, because, hey! Everybody loves to see a good mullet, and they're just trying to please the masses, in their own special way. Ok, Im done with the mullets.

***I think one time in Indian Princesses we shot bb guns at Camp Kern with our dads in the third or fourth grade. So if you want to count that go ahead. Also, Jodi Wetzels brother Dave once shot me in the butt with a bb gun as I was riding away from their house...probably 7th gradish. So I do have SOME experience with guns and ammo. For the record.

Here's all the girls, Katy Stierwalt (Johns cousin), Erin & Aileen (John's Sisters) and I. What's that Im wearing? Could I possibly be considering heading down to the firing range?

The big 50 Calliber BMG was downright frightening, so I was thinking about maybe just "posing" by it to make it look like I shot it. I was so scared I even told my sister-in-law to go pose in front of it first, and she did so gladly! A few other people shot it, and it was REALLY loud.
I was still fence sitting about even POSING by the gun because my dress wasnt exactly floor length, it was windy, and well, there were about 10 guys milling around...But then I decieded that I definitely wanted to at least POSE by it, but then I thought, well, GEEZ, If im going to actually lie down and pretend like Im going to shoot it, I might as well just pull the friggin trigger while Im down there right? I made that comment as I started to squat down in my dress and the guys said, "Oh NOOOO....we dont PULL the trigger, we SQUEEEEEZZZZE the trigger!" Ok whatever, crazy militia man. So I lied down, listened to my instructions that amid all the stress sounded more like Charley Browns teacher, looked through scope, kept telling my self, "Do it, Do it, Do it!" and SQUEEEEZZZZEED the trigger!

So with out further ado: here's your favorite blogger blasting a 50 Caliber Rifle in her sundress at a wedding reception. Bravo, Aileen & Tom. BRAVO!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for not making me wait very long to see the pictures from the wedding. Of course I will tell you I had a good time seeing your pictures and reliving the day. I would have never thought seeing people shooting guns could be so much fun (especially when you did it). Congratulations Aileen and Tom your wedding was a blast!!!

Katy Stierwalt

Anonymous said...

Just for the record,they DO make a camoed kilt.However,Utilikilt was out of that particular fabric,hence the army green kilt.Ulitikilt also makes a kilt just for beer guts as well! Thanks for coming! We really enjoyed your presents on the shooting range. Thanks for keeping those legs together there too! Tom was enough of a sight for everyone!! lol

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa, hope you had a good time. Sorry John couldn't make it and that you had to leave so early and missed out on the karaoke and fireworks. Aileen may have left the impression that my Utilikilt was a beer gut cut. For the record it was NOT. Did I mention that I was wearing a kilt and riding a motorcycle, which can get a bit interesting. Especially the next day on the ride home. On the back road where there were no houses for a couple of miles I thought what the hell I'm kinda curious, so I untucked the kilt from between my legs and let er go (Insert visual here).
BTW, the guy with the mullet is my cousin's husband. He's actually a really great guy who's been with her through three bouts with cancer. Hodgkins lymphoma twice and most recent colon cancer. They just threw a party last month, which we attended, to celebrate that she was cancer free again.

Thanks for the great narrative on the wedding.


Fort said...

Of course, I knew it. The one person I make fun of is a really great guy and a cancer survior. That sounds about right. I have to belive that you've all made fun of me at some point behind my back in order to negate this guilty feeling. No details, please!

Ugh. So much for my "be a good person" Mantra.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mullet pic!!! I don't get to see a whole lot of those in the A-T-L anymore (they usually stay out in the suburbs.) Luckily, there is never a shortage in OH!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fort, So I saw the BEST MULLET EVER after one of the Bengals games last season. Here is my site of pictures. They are in the album called Who Dey Part Deux. The guys is about half way through. And yes...I stopped him and told him I loved the hair and actually got a picture with him! I'm not scared!

Fort said...

And I bet you were Sotally Tober Too!

Anonymous said...

Fort come on...I'm always sober for Bengals games!

Anonymous said...

It was 80's mullet night at the Braves game last night! But no one told me about it until I got there. I ran into my friend who had a dead-ringer Joe Dirt costume on. There wasn't a cold neck in the place!

Anonymous said...

But,do you have pics??