Friday, July 28, 2006

Catie, Ang....and introducing the new, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Simon!! Sorry we couldnt make it to Tahoe for the wedding but I hear it was awesome! It was nice to get a drunken dial from Ang during the reception that the Bride and Groom wanted promote the anti-manners brigade Ive begun by getting a shot for my blog. Chew on a picture of you and yours fighting the good fight by slamming your elbows on the table, or breaking some other rule, and Ill slap your mug up on here too. Ohhhh!! I know you're all so excited!!! without further ado...

Just as soon as I said nothing was going on, I remembered that I had a follow up appt with Dr. Romer today (Friday)….all these appts are around 8am so I usually drive up to Dayton the night before so I can just sleep in at the folks place.
Mom mentioned that the Therapy CafĂ© (Josh, Brent & Dougs place) was having Dayton’s Karaoke finals last night…($1000 purse!!) There were about 17 performers and they were all great.

...Bring on the $1.50 Bud Lights!!!

Mary was the winner who sang an amazing rendition of Whitney’s “Savin’ all my love for you” and I would have tried to get a shot of her with all her fans, but my new camera, as much as I love it, BLEEDS BATTERIES and stopped working after I got about four shots. (pictures not alcohol) Im not kidding, its absolutely REDICULOUS.

The Judges...very impressed with Mary! (But thats not mary in front of the judges, but is actually Lauren, the waitress who was COMPLETELY on her own that night from what Josh announced was due to the other waitress being out with a yeast infection. - not true - I think...anyway... Lauren kicked ASS and waited on us better then some waitresses who are only covering four tables...props to Lauren. What ever my mom tipped you , it wasnt enough. Actually I know what she tipped you and I would have added a few bucks..)

So I did manage to get a few shots of Josh doin’ his THANG as the Emcee & judge, and by doin’ his THANG, I mean…well, Im not going to go there, but I will say that it involves numerous pelvic thrusts, a few Rockette-esque high kicks, seventeen F-Bombs, and numerous props to his favorite politician, Dub-ya…It was a memorable night!

Josh sings the filthiest version of "Easy" by Lionel Ritchie...

My favorite quote of the night was when the unsuspecting couple walked in the door and were welcomed by Josh, the owner/host with, “Hey there! Ready to vomit from all the shots you’re gonna do tonight?...Super!” They just kept walking and looked at him like he was crazy.

OH YEAH, Mom, you thought Id forget my SECOND Favorite quote of the night….

So during the karaoke intermissions, they were playing lots of dance tunes. I’ve think I’ve seen this once before, but did you all know there’s a LINE DANCE to a Michael Jackson song? (Its Thriller, or Beat It…too many Bud Lights to remember...I’m sure if that’s not it one of you kids will correct me…either way it came off the Thriller album)

Ok, here’s the funny part. Mom leans in when the song starts and all the kids are out there dancing, laughs, and says, “THIS was popular when I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL!!” Ok, maybe the 1.50 Bud Lights were too plentiful that night, but if I recall, Thriller came out in the early 80’s and Pam graduated in SEVENTY-FOUR which would make her….ok…..83….74…..carry the one………..A big liar!!! Ha ha….I called her out and she told me to shut up.

Now maybe if the kids were out there line dancing to “Crystal Blue Persuasion” (her actual favorite song) I would have believed her, but the THRILLER ALBUM???? C’MON PAM!! I was in Kindergarten!!! Nice try though.

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