Friday, September 15, 2006

Addition to this post….

So today is the first day Ive come to work with out my do-rag on and whats the first comment I get from one of the forklift drivers?
“You look like Squidworth”



If you have yet to discover the Monk-email through career builder, I HIGHLY recommend it.
Very easy to do – free – and did I mention HILAROUS??

Consider this your fun, Friday activitity!!!
Busy Busy Busy weekend lined up – Tonight John is grilling some expen$ive $teaks for dinner & then we’re walking over to watch the undefeated (3-0) Finneytown wildcats take on Deer Park. We’re pumped, and not surprised at all that NOBODY wanted to join us. Thank God we found each other…we certainly enjoy these cheap thrills, don’t we?

Tomorrow is Rugby vs. Antioch College – Then John is off to Downtown for the After party – (Halfway to St. Paddys) & Im heading down the road to Greenhills to sub on Angie’s Bowling league. Why they continue to invite me to sub I don’t know. I SUCK. If I break 100 Im excited…. I must be that fun to hang out with because it SURE AS HELL isnt my bowling skillz… My bowling fantasies don’t go much further than wanting an special “Ernie McCracken style” bowling ball – the clear globe with the rose in the middle…Fantastic.

Sunday will be busy as well – we’re tailgating for the Bengals game, then heading downtown for Oktoberfest – Im sure the game will be on big screens all over (hopefully)… We’re busting out for the first tailgate ever, our recently discovered (thanks diana!) Ziploc bagged omelettes!! John needs to get the coleman grill ready to boil the water and its baggie omelets for all! Ill let you know how it goes.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
(don’t forget to check out the MONK-E MAIL!)


Anonymous said...

Why are you so excited to watch to Bengals get WORKED by the Browns???

Fort said...

we can finish this discussion on monday..

Anonymous said...

Monk e mail rules, jg