Sunday, September 17, 2006

Cincy Women vs. Antioch...Tailgating for the Bengals/Browns game...Oktoberfest ZINNZINNATI!!!
Played another game on Saturday...sort of. Antioch came to town for a match, but they've just started out as a team. After we scored about three tries in the first four minutes of the game, we decided that nothing good could come from 90-0 win. We'd look like assholes, they wouldnt learn anything, we wouldnt get a get the picture. So about five minutes in, we brought everyone together, and split the teams up so that we could have experienced players on both sides. Everyone was happy...we got a better work out, the Antioch girls learned something...hopefully, and a good time was had by all. Now how the Antioch campus has eluded the drunken curse of flip-cup for so long, that we do not know, but after the likes of Kat/Casey/Eva at the post game party, I suspect the game will spread like wildfire up in Yellow Springs.....Here they are, showin' em how its done!!!!:

There were actually a few pictures of me playing that John took, but let me tell you - I look like a HIDEOUS, SCARY BEAST (ok even more so without a hat and my ears taped down and metal cleats on) I want you all to think of me as the dainty, happy looking person in my blog profile so until Ive got the figure of Casey James, you probably wont see any rugby related pictures of me. Oh yeah....that Im so out of shape that its virtually impossible to get a shot of me actually doing something other than walking around.

Got up around 830 to make our way down to Longworths for the tailgate - Bengals/Browns is an ESPECIALLY crazy tailgate, so there was plenty of stuff to entertain us....the Bengal-mobiles are all over the place...this little guy was up and down the alley all morning....we thought it was a souped up golf cart but then he started it up...pretty sweet whatever it is!!!

OK - This is will become hands-down, one of my favorite blog shots...LOOK CLOSELY - Those are people PLAYING CORNHOLE ON TOP OF A BUS....I had to comment that it was the most fantasically dangerous thing I had ever seen in my life!!! (you might have to click on the picture to really appreciate the view)
Here's JMac workin it on the grill....actually we werent grilling anything. We were making the ziploc baggie omelettes - What a great idea. Unfortunately when we got there around 930, the REAL early birds had already gotten into some breakfast casserole and were already full speed ahead with the drinking and weren't up for omelettes - I guess not everyone is up for eggs at all hours like we are. So we each had Two. That Louisiana Hot Sauce on eggs is fantastic.
But, the tailgate doesnt last forever - around 1230 people started the pilgrammage to Paul Brown Stadium they all went straight to the game, & we hung a left and went downtown for Oktoberfest.
Fortunately, being there during the game was crowd-free - and we headed home around halftime. I WOULD NOT want to be there right now after the game let out...Its got to be an absolute nightmare!!!
I think only my dad will think this is funny - For those of you hard core, Daytonians, you might know of a chinese restaurant near UD's campus called Wah-FU. This was dads favorite place to eat when we worked at Bass back in the day. Dad! Look what I found! Wah-Fu's Cincinnati cousin, Wah-Mee!!!
Life's too short not to be corny....
The walk back to the car was LONG. It didnt help when J-Mac Stopped to ponder the option of visiting the Scientology Center downtown.

Well, thats it - played some rugby, drank some beer, boiled some omelettes, drank some beer, ate some goetta, muched on roasted almonds, and went home. Now Im just trying to get motivated to get some cleaning and laundry done....this was a long weekend. Hope you all had a good one too.


Anonymous said...

Wow, the WAH MEE looks like a pretty classy joint but still not as classy as the original, WAH FU. Now you gotta meet Couch there for lunch someday!!!

Anonymous said...

The Bengals still suck. The Browns will finish 14-2!

Fort said...

I love that story.

Anonymous said...

So, when will you be stopping by the Scientology church? We would love to see you(r money).

Anonymous said...

I want to do more research before joining. I've been watching a lot of Sci-Fi Channel and meditating on the X-Files since that day. Do I need an auditing to rid my body of alien spirits that veil my mind from true reality? Perhaps I do!