Friday, February 23, 2007

Hey - We're looking for some patio furniture...desperately. Desperately cheap. If you know someone who is selling/wants to get rid of their patio furniture/knows of a really cheap place to get patio furniture/knows of some shut-in who wouldnt notice if their patio furniture was stolen....just kidding.

let us know. Or keep your eyes open at the garage sales in the spring! My cell is 513-254-6470!


Anonymous said...

Fort and J-Mac, we got ours at Sears. Not cheap, but it's made really well and will last a long time I suspect.

I was happy to see your new pic and objective. Hope to be watching you out on the pitch this year, at least a few more times.


P.s. My new objective is to be less Surly. I smile once a day now whether I need to or not.

Aileen said...

Walmart had tons for cheap on clearance in November. You'll probably only find new stuff in a store by now. Good luck with your hunt.
A phone number on the blog. many whack-jobs have called you so far? (not including anyone you already know!)

Anonymous said...

Have you checked Craigslist?