Sunday, July 01, 2007

Friday we headed to the Greenhills Pioneer Festival up the road....

Stacy came over after work and Casey brought Emma over and we had some beers before heading over to the festival for dinner. Of course we had to get out the Paddy Hat - Emma didnt seem to mind it so I got lots of pictures.

I took this video of Emma out on the back porch....yes, that J-Mac with a sombrero on. He went downstairs to fetch Casey a chair and came up with that on.
Saturday we headed over to Spoons and Kristen's for their yearly fourth of July Party. Lots of fireworks and more pictures....I tried out the "Heads In" shots a few times, as well as a foot shot, but I'll have to admit, those are much better with fancy girl shoes on for sure.

Pauly & J-Mac hang out:

Take the time to watch this clip - Its good. Spoons had this "Rocket Launcher" out to shoot off rockets. I was lucky enough to catch on film why its good to always film the first tries with ANYTHING. Here, you'll see why they later covered up the hole in the back of the Rocket Launcher....

Here all the guys are in the garage right before we took that head shot. I probably shouldnt tell you that they later did another one where they all pulled their pants down and got a shot of five or six bare butts from the floor. Of course I deleted it right away, much to their dismay.

Sunday I slept in and then drove up to Dayton to meet mom at Splash MOraine. Just laid out and hung out on the Lazy river for about 20 min. It was relaxing and fun.

Came home to find a Jehovah's Witness Book on the porch. I forgot to mention they stopped by Saturday morning. There was a group of about 6 of them, tag-teaming houses along the way. I didnt see them coming and got up and answered the door. It was a middle aged man with a little boy, maybe two, and an elderly man who stood at the bottom of the steps.

I kindly opened the door and spoke with him for about 15 minutes. He read some scripture from his book and talked about "Whats going on in the world"....I offered a bit of self-disclosure and said I had gone through some rough times and found that God wasnt necessarily found in church and he said, "Well, maybe my wife and I could stop by and bring you a book"....spineless, I said "Sure".

Luckly they came back today when I was at the pool with mom, and John was working on the side of the house and just told them to leave it on the porch. For as agressive as they can be, Im wondering if they approached John at all, I can only assume he wasnt nearly as receptive!

Now Im worried that I may have shown them some "Red Flags" with the "tough times" and my "issues" with religion.....Do they think Im ripe for the pickin now? I sure hope not.

I went online and googled "What do you say to a Jehovah's Witness?" And there were some interesting responses/websites. Most people were honest and said they were polite but uninterested, some invited them back and then made sure their minister was there to deflect any advances.

I suspect they'll be back and Im just going to have to tell them Im not interested. Does anyone know what their end goal is here? Are they trying to convert me? I also read that they dont belive in donating blood, so Maybe Ill just tell them I cant talk, Im on my way to the blood bank.

Question of the week:

What have your experiences been with LDS/JW door to door missionaries, etc.??? How do you deal with them? Im really interested to hear


Anonymous said...

I don't have a doorbell, and in this day and age of cell phones people call before they come. If the door is knocked on, I usually pretend not to hear it because not only do we get JW, but we get an unbelievable amount of door-to-door salespeople and little kids begging for money.

Speaking of JW and the like, in the Sunday comics they had a funny one about it. A couple sitting on their porch sees them coming and the wife says to the husband that if they remind them that they've already been to their house they'll leave.

Well, they do and then the JW-like twosome goes out to their car to get the "advanced" presentation. See, you just can't win by being nice and talking to them!

Anonymous said...

Once, when I was on maternity leave, and in need of adult contact, I welcomed some JW's into my home, because I've had some JW students in the past and seriously had a lot of questions. So, one by one, I rattled them off. And they did have an answer for every one. I don't agree with what they said, but I do at least have a little more understanding of them. But man, if you want them to leave, just tell them you're Catholic like I did towards the end of our coffee and conversation. Those little dudes can move!!! After reading the literature they had given me, I can see why, catholics, aside from believing in JC, are the antithisis to their beliefs.

They DO want to convert you,BTW.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic thing always worked for me - came once, said I was Catholic havne't been back since. Maybe that's why there is a big scarlet letter on my front lawn?