Sorry, I just had to get that out. I dont see me calling to get the dishwasher fixed anytime soon. Seriously, and I am NOT drunk.
I used to wash dishes when I was a kid. I dont think we had a working dishwasher till I was in high school. I dont really remember enjoying it then, but I dont remember hating it either.
This new "situation" wasnt immedate. Even with a dishwasher, we sometimes would leave 2 days worth of dishes out on the counter before being forced to do the dishes. Two days doesnt seem like alot, but when you've got someone like my husband who cooks like he's got his own television show, it does pile up.
So slowly, Ive been staying on top of the dishes. But today it struck me when I started doing the dishes before John was done eating, and brace yourselves, I actually made dinner tonight. I mean, it wasnt anything special, just salad with grape tomatoes, feta and grilled chicken on top, but it was pretty good.
I bussed the dining room table and promptly washed the plates, our cups and the pan I cooked the chicken in. The warm water had a calming effect and the Dawn soap smells so good. Ive always seen myself as domestically challenged, but doing the dishes has, of late, felt like therapy. I even pulled some of the wild flowers on the side of the house and put them in a glass so I have something to look at.
Sorry, I just had to get that out. I dont see me calling to get the dishwasher fixed anytime soon. Seriously, and I am NOT drunk.
Im going to go put the dishes away now.
Ok...timeout...Let's get real here. The reason you had to wash the dishes when you were a kid was Mom was busy watching the wrestling matches. Come on, admit it.
My dishwasher broke in December and I am too darn lazy to get someone out ot fix it. Any time you feel that you are in need of more therapy feel free to stop by my house. There is therapy all over the kitchen! - Misti
So let me get this straight. your husband slaves over a hot stove and/or grill all night and all you care about is doing dishes?!?! Selfish people like you don't deserve dishes, or the sinks to wash them in. I'd worry more about eating his dinners and less about doing the dishes afterwards.
Sorry Fort, but I had to.
WOWWW!!! I get sick and miss a few days of reading on here and all hell breaks out around here!! Don't take that freak to heart. I had some asshole on my blog (anonymous as well) a few months ago who thought they'ld read my inventory without knowing any facts. I took the comment and the complete post off the blog and made it so only those who were on a list were allowed to go on my site. But,I later regreted taking the post down and I opened my blog back up to the public. There is a setting you can use to review comments in your email and approving them before they are posted. My thought is it's probably some random freak who was just hitting "next post" or something. School is out and kids are bored.
Never heard of the Rumrunners before but they are obviously popular down there. Pretty cool you got to see them again.
And,I've never seen someone go to so many damn weddings in my LIFE!! Do you know EVERYONE in Cincinnati or what??
The Greek festival sounds wonderful!! I haven't eaten great Greek food since I lived in Chicago. I am green with envy.
Oh,and I loved your hair at your brother's wedding.
I think I'm caught up now. *WHEW* Now back to my couch. The oxygen treatments seemed to help somewhat but still in alot of pain at night. It's going to be a long 4 weeks ahead.
Ohh..did Mom let you know about Erin and her bomb scare? News was at 11:00.
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