Thursday, November 29, 2007

Has this ever happened to you?

I was at Roly Poly the other day (I semi-frequent the place) and the owner got all excited, because she knows my name is Melissa (because I usually call in my orders) and apparently, there is this other girl who comes in there and apparently LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ME. And she says her name was Melissa too. Now I get a little nervous and embarassed because Ive changed my hair color so many times that Im almost certian that its probably me and she just doesnt realize Im the same person. I tell her this and she assures me, NO! You guys always come in about 20 minutes apart! And you always order yours with NO onions and add sundried tomatoes, and she always orders NO onions, but adds scalions....

Ok. So thats definitely not me, because A) I would never order onions OR scallions, but B) Wait? Arent scallions onions? They sure as hell taste like onions!

So accepting that there is this other person brings in a whole littany of other concerns
  • What if I DO run into her at some point? Is the owner lady going to make a big deal about it?
  • What if she's HIDEOUS?? And the lady thinks we're twins? I couldnt handle that.
  • Or worse, what if she's beautiful and upon our meeting, looks at me with a, "You thought I looked like THAT?"

Its all too much - Im almost afraid to go in there now to be faced with Bizarro Fort. People used to tell me that there was someone who used to run in Hyde Park that looked like me. Now that DEFINITELY wasnt me running....but what if thats the girl? Who knows. Its just weird.

Tomorrow is the Kelts cookie exchange...

I came up with this bright Idea to have a cookie exchange like the teachers do at moms school. Only one problem. I dont bake. And by the time all the plans came together, John was like, "Uh, no. This is YOUR baby!" So, all the excitement about getting cookies of all sorts, and I totally forgot I had to make some too. So I went through one of Johns cookbooks and found an easy recipie, and they'll probably be the worst ones there, but Ill go home with lots of other good cookies, I guess. Ill take picures.

Its 11:15p and I just finshed my 3rd batch...that should be plenty.

Saturday Stacy and I are initiating Misti into our scrapbooking cult. Tony, Casey and John have been texting each other, saying they'll be "ScrapBEERING" all day. We'll see. Misti and I are heading over there for the morning and then the guys will come over in the afternoon and we'll all have dinner that night. John will be making another turkey.

Im wiped out from all the baking. I dont know my husband does it every day. Im lazy...


Anonymous said...

I worked for eye-mart for 14 years and now I work at lenscrafters [since April]. I get a phone call from my own mother and she ask me why I didnt tell her I was on an eye-mart comercial. So I tell her that is not me and she asks me again are you sure that it is not you? My own mother. And now she convinced my aunts also that it is me. The woman doesnt even look like me. If your in Dayton watch for the comercial she is opening the door and says something, and her voice is totally different too. Your favorite aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Mom swore up and down that this girl in Ireland looked just like me. When I saw the pics I said "That doesn't look like me!!!" She was a lesbian who wears glasses!! Everyone says us dykes look alike, didn't think Mom would be a subscriber to that thinking!!!


Anonymous said...

OK Fort now I'm scared to try your cookies....I wish I didn't read this until Monday, after I had tried them

Aileen said...

Erin , Teresa said you and your girlfriend look alike. I told her all lesbians look alike!
And,what the hell is a Roly Poly??

Anonymous said...

Aileen, all your going to do is confuse her once she learns about lipstick lesbians.
A Roly Poly is a sandwich place that does not sell sandwiches. It's all wraps.