Thursday, December 27, 2007

Love Me, Love My Doll
The Christmas Holiday brought forth a number of gifts; a Bengals hoodie, a new TV for our living room, cash, and last but not least, a little documentary called Love Me, Love My Doll.
Meredith was telling us about this little gem on Saturday night - its a free documentary on the BBC On Demand Channel. Honestly? We've got 2000 some channels - 95% of them we dont even get because we dont pay for it, so I had no idea that channel 1200 was FREE on demand BBC Documentaries. You all need to watch this.
Love Me, Love My Doll is about men who have purchased "RealDolls", 100 pound, anatomically correct companions.....and have fallen in love with them. I dont even have the words to explain. you have to watch it. It was the perfect blend of hysterical, sad and creepy all rolled into one informational burrito. Lets just say, these guys consider themselves social misfits (ok, well, one is just a nymphomaniac) and have given up on any sort of real relationship with a living, breathing human being.
I went online to see what else I could find out of sheer curiosity, and saw a wide range of opinions:

Some thought they were as bad if not worse than necrophiliacs, while others thought it was better than having them out in the social scene and procreating....I guess I walked away from it feeling, like, everybody has hangups. Fat people use diets to improve their heath, insecure people crave attention to satisfy them, people with bad eyesight need glasses, and the socially inept/, for what ever reason, have found happiness with these dolls. Maybe they'd rather have a fake hot doll than a real wack-job they might beable to snag in real life. Who knows? What ever makes you happy I say. (oh yeah, thats the guy who poses his multiple dolls for photos, and he graciously joins in)

All Im asking is that you look it up, watch it, and post your comments here. I cant wait!

Oh yeah, I think my non stop 5-day consumption of meatballs, cocktail weeinies, cookies, chicken wings, Cookies, chocolate, cookies, and more junk, my body has begun to crave veggies. It must have forgotten what they tasted like.

Anyway, this is for Misti, always curious as to what Im having for dinner after work. I picked up some Falafel and grilled up some medallions and threw them on tortillas with a little bit of shredded cheddar, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles and mustard!!! I took pictures becuase I was so proud of myself for actually preparing a meal for the first time all winter. John actually partook in this one, so i was especially proud.

Questions for the weekend: What did you think about 'Love me, Love My Doll'?

How do you feel about Falafel?


Anonymous said...

Funny--I have seen that show too! I was a little scared afterward. The episode I saw, there was a guy that had 3-5 of these dolls. I know he had some in boxes in the garage...but three in the house and they all were dolled up like hooters girls. Then, he had them all sitting on the couch with Birthday hats on. His new girlfriend was a little uneasy about the situation, but still came to the party. It said on the screen that she never talked to him again after the party! jami

Anonymous said...

Pubic hair imported from Sweden?! Who knew? Everyone needs to watch this show, if only to feel good about yourself for not violating a doll. -- Misti

Anonymous said...

"well, my dad has a problem with it because she's not ALIVE and BREATHING or whatever." oh davecat! i'm so glad i watched that. and also, you should watch the other gems on there if you haven't already, like "my husband is gay" or maybe "my big boobs and i".

Anonymous said...

What exactly is Falafel?

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for Google - I had no idea what Falafel was... There are plenty of receipies out there for you tho.....

Anonymous said... you got me curious. I watched it and was pretty scared. WOW...are people really THAT hard up for company that they treat a doll like any normal person would treat a person. Oh well, I guess we all have our issues. P.S. My husband thought I was CRAZY when he walked in the bedroom at 10:30 and saw what I was watching. It took a LOT of explaining for me to get out of that one. :o)
Carrie Combs (Doyle)