Sunday, December 09, 2007

My follow up at Romers - six pricks in one day, KJ's Party, Fort Beer, Dirt, Our new cat, "Scabby", Thanksmas & more scabby....

Emily, Laura, Kat & Eva take a break from getting their buzz on...Eva had just been telling a story about how she had called the cops one night when she heard something in the house....turns out it was just Kat, whom Eva forgot was in the house. Imagine the cops busting in, kat's half dressed sleeping on the couch and Eva runs out weilding a knife....I know. Its funny.

Had a followup appt at Romer's and my "vein situation" continues to worsen....My right arm is shot (get it? Shot?) Because its the only arm they can use since I have no Lymph nodes on the other I got a finger prick when I got there, and four attempts to get a vein when I sat in the chair...then the blood she took for the tumor marker at the end didnt spin out right so I needed to get ANOTHER shot to re-draw the blood. Ugh.

Anyone within an earshot of me this weekend was subjected to the glory that was my most recent purchase...."Dirt: Confessions of the Worlds most Notorious Rock Band". I picked this up before my appointment at Romers on Friday since Im still getting 45 min Avastin treatments. People, even if you hate Metal, hate the Crue or dont even know who the hell they are, this book is a must read. It is a filthy, smutty book about all the sex, drugs, and rock and roll at the height of their careers. Its a miracle any of them are still alive. Im halfway through the book and I feel like I need an STD test. I cant put it down! I just added Dr. Feelgood to my MP3 player and Im listening to it right now. Thankfully, I was about 12 when MC was hot, so I avoided becoming a trashy, big haired Marlboro Red smoking groupie by just a few years.

Back to KJ's party - Matt & Tina have apparently been trying to track me down for six long months. They had a gift for me. It was beyond my wildest dreams. FORT BEER. And a FORT BEER T-shirt. They were out in MD a few months ago and discovered this Dogfish Head beer - Read more about it here: Check out the bottle! The shirt is awesome. I put it on right away: Thanks guys! I LOVE IT!!!!!
After KJ's party I headed over to Bone & Crystals and hung out for awhile & watched a little bit of Superbad. Crystal & Bone start to decorate their tree. This is one of those times where you realize everything you do that you perceive to be "normal", isnt. I grew up with, and continue to decorate my tree the same way. Two fairly long strands of lights that I quickly wrap around the tree. I stand back and look at it crosseyed. Its a good way to make sure the lights are evenly distributed. Try It. One of the highlights of christmas is looking at lit trees crosseyed. You know you've done it before....
So anyway, Crystal sits on the floor, and I kid you not, starts WRAPPING each individual branch with lights. I sat and stared. I had never seen so much care and consideration gone into putting lights on a tree. But as Angie watched me, she knew exactly what I was thinking. "You want to go over there and speed that up, dont you?" She was right. To watch ANYTHING that I could do faster (not necessarily better) makes me anxious. I am impatient. But when it was all said and done, the tree looked great, especially crosseyed.

Ten years later, and Tracy still has the gift of finding juvinile humor in anything. She pointed and giggled at the snowmen who, Ill admit, dont exactly look like they're making smores:

I stayed the night in Dayton and the next morning, did something that will come as a shock to you all. I actually picked up one of the cats Jodi tried to unload on us at the last mother daughter weekend. Jodi sent me an email on Friday and John and I agreed to take the cat. I picked up a carrier and a few things to get us started, constantly wondering how I have spent THIRTY years proclaming I was, "NOT a cat person", yet, there I was, in my car, with a confused 6mo. old cat scratching to get out and yelling at me. Jodi called him "kiss", but John and I are probably going to call him "scabby", after the Blank's cat on Strangers With Candy. For me, its a way to keep this situation somewhat humorous.

Stacy and Angie are both furious. They are both allergic to cats and asked if I realized they wouldnt be able to come over anymore, even though, collectively, the two have spent less than 24 hours in this house in the almost 2 years we've lived here. I think we're all going to survive. Stacy thinks cats are dirty and everytime the subject of that cat came up she looked at me like I was eating poo. I think Angie got hives just talking about it on the phone. Angie demanded that I NOT turn the blog into an homage to our new cat and non-stop cat posts were "UNACCEPTABLE".

We brought ol' Scabby home and showed him where the litter box and the food was. From there he was on his own. He wanted nothing to do with us. The two hours before we left for Casey & Stacy's, the cat was M.I.A. We looked everywhere but the cat was nowhere to be found. We shrugged and left for the night. He'd figure it out.

Fort beer, as we found out, is still in production, so preserving the bottle was not a priority. We busted that bad boy open at the party and everyone got to partake:

Stacy & JWJ's face says it all.....14% alcohol and it was definitely a great way to kick of party. I remarked that it made me feel warm. A good bottle of Fort should.
Wow. We dont party like we used to:
Group picture! How did I JUST learn how to use the timer on my camera? Great group, everyone had a good time. We all stayed up for the Mayweather/Hatton fight and then it was Bedtime for Bonzo. Funniest comment of the night: HBO coverage of the fight starts scanning the crowd for celebrities and shows an unshaven moppy haired Will Farrell. Petey exclaims, "Hey! Its Adam Dunn!"
Stacy and Julie both do impersonations of how Julie used to get ready in front of the mirror in college.....
So we get home and the cat isnt by the door panting, excited to see we have finally arrived home. I find the cat under the couch downstairs. John needs to lift the couch to get him to come out. I carry him upstairs to force a little face time with the two of us. Its not long before he's crawling all over us, laying down ON the book Im trying to read, and excitedly hopping on my lap - Jodi let me know he's obsessed with the computer. He's great with John too:

Ok, thats all Im going to say about cat. Its here. We have a cat. I still dont know what to think about it.


Aileen said...

Now what you need is a guard dog. Say...maybe a female beagle. She's really friendly , too. just ask all our male dogs. Talk it over....I'll offer free delivery.

Anonymous said...

Don't do it!! That dog is a hussy and will probably try to get it on with the cat!! Hee Hee! Sorry Aileen.

Anonymous said...

Aw your new cat is cute! And where are the pics from the cookie exchange?

Anonymous said...

that is one cute kitty!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new kitty Fort and J-Mac.- Tammy and Philly.