Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mess, Sweet Mess. -
Scrapbook Mountain February Crop 2008.
Im not going to get to into this as I am sick with a pretty bad sinus infection. I was sick most of the weekend blowing my nose and going to bed early so I hardly got ANYTHING done. I worked a little on my college scrapbook and did maybe 10-12 pages. It was a far cry from the momentum I had last November. This year we were back in the auxillary room where I was the very first time I came here. Back then I thought that we were the JV scrapbookers. Varsity was in the gym. This year, J-Mac said it was the V.I.P room, "without the bottles of vodka on the table:
The room had a chalkboard, which was fun. Stacy went to the bathroom, came in, and didnt notice anything on the board:
Aunt Helen supplied her group of 20 or so with matching pajamas - here's your favorite OU croppers:
And heres how we really felt about all the picture taking:
Here's the group picture. There were about 12 cameras laying on the table and about 4 women picking them up and randomly snapping pics. Luckly, I noticed mine getting picked up and excitedly said, "Oh, Oh, smile! Thats my camera!" so I think I got a good number of ladies not to look away. But I wasnt 100% of course. Jan seems bitter about something!

Can see her? Here you go!
Well, Im home, I havent even unpacked the car yet, Im tired as all get out because I didnt get great sleep because I was on the top bunk and I had to crawl down and go to the bathroom everytime I needed to blow my nose aftr I blew my nose in the dark and I heard somone have a full body convulsion since it was so loud.

I feel crappy. I need to get rid of this or they wont put my port in....or worse, they wont give me chemo. My sinuses have been a real sore spot for what seems like months. I did the nasal irrigation twice when I got home, and im going to take some tylenol cold/sinus right now. I dont know if I should even try antibiotics...they havent seemed to work for me the last few times Ive taken them.

Anybody have any suggestions for sinus issues? My nose is RAW.



Anonymous said...

You guys look like a bunch of gay prisoners. - Dad

Anonymous said...

I agree with your Dad's comment, although the jammies were comfy...that closeup of Jan is hilarious! JG

Anonymous said...

Tylenol Cold SEVERE Congestion and Vick's Vapo Tissues

Hope you feel better


Anonymous said...

NOSE spray... yes we know its foul, but it works, and a combo of Claritan D.

did i mention, that i HATE nose spray


Anonymous said...

Tony swears by nasal spray - I personally can't stand to stick anything up my nose, but it works for him. Feel better! -- Misti

PS - Iam putting in now for next Scrapbook Mtn Weekend!

Anonymous said...

Tylenol for Severe Congestion and vicks vapor rub on your chest and feet (don't laugh it works)

Anonymous said...

Keep using the neti pot! I got got mostly rid of my sinus infection in a week which is unheard of for me. Use it morning and night.

Anonymous said...

Keep using the neti pot! I got got mostly rid of my sinus infection in a week which is unheard of for me. Use it morning and night.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, please show a few pages!!

Anonymous said...

Could be you have the awful flu congestion that is teeming around the country right now. Love that flu shot that covered only 40% of the strains hitting us this winter. Sinus and congestion are the symtoms of flu this year and the dang thing is lasting weeks in most cases. REST might help - you are truly one of the most active people I'm aware of. I'm waiting to see pictures too!!