Ok - First things first. I forgot to give credit where credit is due in regards to those last pictures from the rugby party at Haps. Those were courtesy of Dan, Patty's husband (remember the Xaiver game? Dan?). When I forgot my camera for all the events on Saturday, everyone's first response was, "Oh, Dan's gonna be at the party"....Dan is the only person in Cincinnati who takes more pictures than I do. His photo gallery makes my blog look like NOTHING!!
http://www.madhatterofoz.org/pictures.htm and while we're giving Dan props on his pictures, here's another good one from this weekend. That's Aaron, one of the kelts, getting "situated" at Haps:

Here's another one Dan took - Here's Nettie - my ride to C-Bus - thanks! Nice bruises!

Sunday we had tickets to Reds game, only John had such a long say on Saturday (worked 9 hours and then went to the kelts game...then to haps till 1am) and he woke up on Sunday and was so exhausted that he couldnt even make it to the game, so Harry, Jean and I went and then he met us for dinner at Outback. Yum!

I had a really long blog I wrote and then deleted. I got a hair up my you know what after someone I had done business with at work has sent me (yet another) personal, political email.
Now, you came HERE, therefore, I can spout whatever nonsense I want off my soapbox.
The email was fine enough, it was about a father of a fallen Columbine student who went before Congress and said that it was the absense of God in our society that was causing all these tradegies. Ok fine. Good point.
What I found interesting was this "blurb" in his speech:
“I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own
a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I
don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death.”
Now, keep in mind that this speech was intended to express the need of God in our society. Fair enough.
Why even bring up the NRA? Why does the oh-so innocent NRA and “Good Christian” seem to be publicized as going hand in hand??
I get annoyed everytime I hear someone say its their “God-Given Right to have a gun.”
Really? So....what you’re saying is that the Prince of Peace HIMSELF, is sitting up on his throne, looking down on America….(not the whole world of course, because as we all know, other countries and other civilian lives on this planet aren’t NEARLY as important as ours) and he’s looking down and APPLAUDING and ENCOURAGING all you folks with firearms. Ok. (Because theres nothing God loves more than your right to blast someones head off if properly provoked.)
Its the Second Amendment that gives you that right, not God.
I have no problem with hunting. I have no problem with a person living in a dangerous area carrying a concealed weapon if they have a legitimate threat and it is there STRICTLY for defense and NOT offense. I think all persons in law enforcement should have guns. I also think that having a firing range at your outdoor wedding is perfectly acceptable...obviously:

But im sick and tired of equating Gun Rights with Christianty and American Pride.
Ok...so now Ive pretty much rewritten everything I originally deleted. I spoke with a co-worker about this and was convinced they would back my "NRA and their conspiracy to keep guns in the hands of as many people as possible, criminals, poverty-stricken areas....keep em locked and loaded and trapped in thier own fear and dangerous areas."
And he didnt agree.
Ok. So I listen, and he had some good, albeit utterly depressing points.
He said that, for example, if the VTech Killer and the Columbine killers wanted guns, they would have gotten them. Period. Even if we passed 100 laws that attempted to keep guns out of the hands of predators, they could get the guns. Legally or Illegally.
So Basically dont waste your time.
I just kept scraping for some easy solution. I mentioned the atrociously high gun-related murder rate in America, unheard of anywhere else in the world.
He just shrugged and said that America is a violent country. Americans are a violent breed and our history is based on greed, and an "Any means necessary" mentality. "Look at us RIGHT NOW," he said, "Our own president is setting that example as we speak!"
He said it wasnt going to change. I was stymied. Is there an answer to the gun violence? All Im saying is that we have to TRY. I mean, what if we DID pass 100 laws that made it more difficult for someone to buy a firearm, and that down time gave just ONE PERSON time to rethink what they were about to do with that gun. If it just saved ONE life, wouldnt it be worth it? If it was the life of someone that you loved?
Doesnt anyone wonder why the NRA fights so vehemently against these minor attempts for a little more in-depth background checks? Whats it going to hurt them? Thats all Im saying.
Maybe a little more God is the answer, just dont blame the NRA, right?
On a related note, a fellow OU Rugger was executed by lethal injection today. He was WAY before my time, although I do know one of his buddies, who was actually supposed to be one of his friends that was going to be there for the execution. I cant even imagine what that would be like, to watch that.
It was a pretty violent murder, and I dont know how it affects my views on guns. Probably makes me more confused than anything....In his interview he talks about the depression and how his original intention was to kill him self in front of her, but he ended up basically chasing her out of her own house and into the neighbors yard, where she hid in a closet and he found her and shot her in the head.
I guess maybe in line with my previous post from almost a year ago, we all have to be vigilant when it comes to seeking out the unhappy people. Some of them need some cheering up, and some of them need a serious reality check be it casual or professional. Its a sad reality about todays, world, that we all have to be "on guard"....
On a lighter note, my blog is having its 1yr Birthday next month! Yes, May 17, 2006 was my first blog entry ever.
Darian wanted me to conduct some sort of Year-end awards ceremony. Start looking through old blog posts, I may do some sort of reader vote on best blog comment, worst comment, best and worst pictures, etc.
I plan on mowing the grass and painting the blue room this weekend so dont expect any stellar posts to come...
Oh yeah, one more thing, i just got a job as the JV volleyball coach at Finneytown HS! I meet with the Athletic director next week. Gym rat city all summer!!! So pumped!!!