Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, as you're probably seeing, I went out bald last night - out in public for only the second time! (We went out to dinner with the Schniebers a month or two ago...just feels a little awkward for the first time) My dome just went better with my shirt then any of my scarves did. In case you didnt know, I have a very smooth, lump-free head, so in reality, I should be celebrating it more often!!

Here are the girls: Amy (Jennings) Trout, KJ (just showed up for the pre-party with Quack), Dr. "Cooter" Vannorsdall (we'll have to inform her patients that they need to start calling her that...she DID mention some of them read this blog!) , Alisa Grimes, Me, Annie Hess, Julie Stoll, Stacy Schnieber & Kate "Two O's, two D's, two L's" Wooddell. OMG I did remember something from last night!!

We sat around at Stacy's from about 7-11 drinking as stacy called "Fun" beers (read: TWICE the calories) and then took two cabs up to the Mt.Adams Pavillion.

(I have to interject for a second and tell you the story of my visit to Value City earlier that day. I was waiting in line and a woman behind me started asking me about my cancer, chemo, we were having this discussion and she was telling me about her friends 16 yr old niece who had to go through chemo and to be out of school for a few quarters. I was going to make a statment like, "Yeah, Chemo really kicks your butt"....or "Yeah, Chemo really wipes you out" you know where Im going with this? My brain didnt inform my mouth that it hadnt decided which phrase to say, so what came out of my mouth loudly in long line, was, "YEAH! CHEMO REALLY WIPES YOUR BUTT!"......there was an awkward pause and I just kept on talking and she didnt question it)

ok...back to the GNO...

I had to speak up about the topics of discussion at Stacy's. I had to say I was a little sad and that I never would have thought in that booth at the Cats Eye that we would EVER be discussing the following: 1) Baby-Friendly Laundry Detergent 2) Gardening Techniques 3) Home Remodeling
It was just sad. Here's Stoll, Amy, Stacy & Cooter all waiting for the cabs.

The plan was to dress up, go out, dance the night away while making fun of the scantilly clad young women with no self-respect. We ended up sitting at a table on the top patio..(theres 3 levels) Lost Annie right off the bat but found her eventually...sat at the table for a little longer, ended up making more fun of the metrosexual guys then we did the girls. I was a little too inebreated to be paying that much attention anyway.

Then we decided to get REALLY crazy, as we tend to do. We got up, and walked down the steps to the patio below us and found ANOTHER table to sit at and talk. I know. We were out of control, but what are you going to do? We hadn't been out together in so long, I mean, SOMETHING was bound to happen, right? Then we ordered appetizers and discussed like the elderly women we are how "pleasantly surprised" we all were that they were still serving food at 130am! We were out of control.

Check it out! I actually KNEW someone at the Pavillion! Kenny! Kenny and I started playing with the Kelts at the same time in 2002-ish..and actually one the the first times we hung out was when a big group of us when up to, you guessed it, Mt Adams!! (this is a coincidence since the last time I was up there was about 2 years ago...)

Here we all are at the SECOND table of the night. It seems like the older we get, the more crucial it becomes to find a good table. We were lucky enough to make two great scores last night. Mingling? Whats that??

After a few hours of partying, here are some drunk sweaty girls waiting at the door for the rest of the crew. I dropped a beer in the process, dropped my camera, and left Alisa with a big wet spot on the front of her dress. Par for the course I guess.

I love these pictures...NINE of us SQUEEZED into a SCION cab from Mt. Adams to Deer Park...about a 15-20 min ride - I have to tell you, the crammed, drunken cab ride with 8 of your friends is highly reccomended, no more than once every five years...if you take enough pictures you'll always end up with some good ones...

Here's where Stoll & sat...she endured a 20 min ear massage by my big toe and didnt complain once!!!

Heres the group - - Home and safe at last!! Thanks to Stacy for organizing the event and thanks to all of you who came in from out of was awesome. PLEASE POST ANY GOOD STORIES I FORGOT IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. IM STILL A LITTLE FUZZY...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Catie, Ang....and introducing the new, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Simon!! Sorry we couldnt make it to Tahoe for the wedding but I hear it was awesome! It was nice to get a drunken dial from Ang during the reception that the Bride and Groom wanted promote the anti-manners brigade Ive begun by getting a shot for my blog. Chew on a picture of you and yours fighting the good fight by slamming your elbows on the table, or breaking some other rule, and Ill slap your mug up on here too. Ohhhh!! I know you're all so excited!!! without further ado...

Just as soon as I said nothing was going on, I remembered that I had a follow up appt with Dr. Romer today (Friday)….all these appts are around 8am so I usually drive up to Dayton the night before so I can just sleep in at the folks place.
Mom mentioned that the Therapy CafĂ© (Josh, Brent & Dougs place) was having Dayton’s Karaoke finals last night…($1000 purse!!) There were about 17 performers and they were all great.

...Bring on the $1.50 Bud Lights!!!

Mary was the winner who sang an amazing rendition of Whitney’s “Savin’ all my love for you” and I would have tried to get a shot of her with all her fans, but my new camera, as much as I love it, BLEEDS BATTERIES and stopped working after I got about four shots. (pictures not alcohol) Im not kidding, its absolutely REDICULOUS.

The Judges...very impressed with Mary! (But thats not mary in front of the judges, but is actually Lauren, the waitress who was COMPLETELY on her own that night from what Josh announced was due to the other waitress being out with a yeast infection. - not true - I think...anyway... Lauren kicked ASS and waited on us better then some waitresses who are only covering four tables...props to Lauren. What ever my mom tipped you , it wasnt enough. Actually I know what she tipped you and I would have added a few bucks..)

So I did manage to get a few shots of Josh doin’ his THANG as the Emcee & judge, and by doin’ his THANG, I mean…well, Im not going to go there, but I will say that it involves numerous pelvic thrusts, a few Rockette-esque high kicks, seventeen F-Bombs, and numerous props to his favorite politician, Dub-ya…It was a memorable night!

Josh sings the filthiest version of "Easy" by Lionel Ritchie...

My favorite quote of the night was when the unsuspecting couple walked in the door and were welcomed by Josh, the owner/host with, “Hey there! Ready to vomit from all the shots you’re gonna do tonight?...Super!” They just kept walking and looked at him like he was crazy.

OH YEAH, Mom, you thought Id forget my SECOND Favorite quote of the night….

So during the karaoke intermissions, they were playing lots of dance tunes. I’ve think I’ve seen this once before, but did you all know there’s a LINE DANCE to a Michael Jackson song? (Its Thriller, or Beat It…too many Bud Lights to remember...I’m sure if that’s not it one of you kids will correct me…either way it came off the Thriller album)

Ok, here’s the funny part. Mom leans in when the song starts and all the kids are out there dancing, laughs, and says, “THIS was popular when I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL!!” Ok, maybe the 1.50 Bud Lights were too plentiful that night, but if I recall, Thriller came out in the early 80’s and Pam graduated in SEVENTY-FOUR which would make her….ok…..83….74…..carry the one………..A big liar!!! Ha ha….I called her out and she told me to shut up.

Now maybe if the kids were out there line dancing to “Crystal Blue Persuasion” (her actual favorite song) I would have believed her, but the THRILLER ALBUM???? C’MON PAM!! I was in Kindergarten!!! Nice try though.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

No News is No News....

Im not going to sugar coat this post. There is NOTHING going on right now, so im just going to ripoff my favorite de-motivational posters from until I come up with something. Here's some updates on some fun stuff Ill look forward to writing once it actually happens...

***OU Rugby girlz night out...we're dressing up, and heading to Mt. Adams. Should be good pictures and better stories. Jami - tell that kid a yers to get better so mommy can go on a bender with her college friends. ]

***Private Train trip to Chicago! My boss is letting me ride along on the CIN to CHI leg of his upcoming private rail excursion...The whole trip wont even be 24 hours long but Im excited to ride on the trains ( for the first time! We'll board the trains at the railyard on a Wednesday night,sleep on the train, at 3am travel to the Amtrak Union Station Downtown, and depart for Chicago in the morning. Breakfast will be served and we'll arrive in Chicago around noon, and then a WVXU reporter who is traveling the same leg as I will join me in a rental car to head back to the 'Nati...Ill be sure to take lots of pictures! Here's where I plan on spending much of the morning!!!

View Atop the Vista Dome

Thats about it....Lisa & Pony's wedding reception that Friday night and Reds Tix on Saturday. Woo hoo. Sorry I dont have much to offer this week. I ain't Paris Hilton, ya know.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The setting was beautiful. A little piece of land outside of Urbana. A neat little log cabin, a tent for the ceremony and lunch, and lots of land. It seems as though John & I's reception keg tossing sparked something in his sister Aileen to compete. What could she & Tom POSSIBLY have in store for their reception to compete against a recption keg toss?
The Setting:

The dress was casual. When my father-in-law showed up in khaki shorts and the snazziest celtic socks and loafers, I couldnt resist getting a shot. (On the way home, Susan commented on how she was CERTAIN that he was wearing Ohio State many beers did you drink?....ok nevermind I can see where you might have thought that.)

The ceremony was great - a nice celtic flair. Ask my fellow kelts will notice, the kilt was not Camoflauge. I guess you cant buy them and they weren't able to be produced. Kelts? Do you recognize that kilt?? Thats right! Its the utility kilt that O'Connor wears! I kind of felt bad because when I was talking to Tom when I got there, I said, "Hey! I like your kilt! One of the guys on our rugby team is too big for a sport kilt so he got one of those!" I dont know if it was insulting or not, really. Tom isnt that big, and to be honest, I dont know if Brendan just WANTED that kind of kilt. But the kelts are lame because none of them wear their kilts to the after parties anymore anyway so screw them!

Certainly one of the highlights for us all was seeing Ohio's #1 mullet live and in person. Im not talking about clicking through This was business in the front and party in the back TO THE MAX. What sucks is that you cant go up to these people and say, "HEY! You're hair is looking FANTASTICALLY REDICULOUS! Mind if we take your picture?" Theres a line even I wont cross.

But all Erin wanted was her picture taken with this guy. She's what I like to call a mullet connisseur. And when I say "with" I dont mean that they put their arms around each other, I mean, you have to find that perfect moment where nobody knows what you're doing, you stand behind the person, look all excited, give a descreet "Thumbs-Up" and take care of it quickly and quietly.

Oh yeah, did you also notice the background of that picture? If you look at Super Mullet Man's forearm, theres a guy laying on the ground getting ready to shoot...Thats right folks, the reception keg toss got some serious competition with the reception firing range. I dont know how many guns there were, Im guessing around 15 or so? (sorry that my gun knowledge sucks..there were big ones, and little ones) They were shooting at some piled up railroad ties with targets on them. Thought shooting one might make some good blog material but Ive never shot a gun before*** and a 50 Caliber BMG (what ever that is) sounded intimidating. Some receptions you get they passed around a box of ear plugs

*Can I just interject here about the mullet? I dont even know the guy so I dont want to come off blasting on him. We just appreciate it, thats all, we arent hating on it. I havent come to a conclusion on the mullet. Part of me wants to think its like the people who still "peg" or "tight roll" their pants...that they just dont know any better and in that case, we should feel bad. But I like to think that its done intentionally, because, hey! Everybody loves to see a good mullet, and they're just trying to please the masses, in their own special way. Ok, Im done with the mullets.

***I think one time in Indian Princesses we shot bb guns at Camp Kern with our dads in the third or fourth grade. So if you want to count that go ahead. Also, Jodi Wetzels brother Dave once shot me in the butt with a bb gun as I was riding away from their house...probably 7th gradish. So I do have SOME experience with guns and ammo. For the record.

Here's all the girls, Katy Stierwalt (Johns cousin), Erin & Aileen (John's Sisters) and I. What's that Im wearing? Could I possibly be considering heading down to the firing range?

The big 50 Calliber BMG was downright frightening, so I was thinking about maybe just "posing" by it to make it look like I shot it. I was so scared I even told my sister-in-law to go pose in front of it first, and she did so gladly! A few other people shot it, and it was REALLY loud.
I was still fence sitting about even POSING by the gun because my dress wasnt exactly floor length, it was windy, and well, there were about 10 guys milling around...But then I decieded that I definitely wanted to at least POSE by it, but then I thought, well, GEEZ, If im going to actually lie down and pretend like Im going to shoot it, I might as well just pull the friggin trigger while Im down there right? I made that comment as I started to squat down in my dress and the guys said, "Oh NOOOO....we dont PULL the trigger, we SQUEEEEEZZZZE the trigger!" Ok whatever, crazy militia man. So I lied down, listened to my instructions that amid all the stress sounded more like Charley Browns teacher, looked through scope, kept telling my self, "Do it, Do it, Do it!" and SQUEEEEZZZZEED the trigger!

So with out further ado: here's your favorite blogger blasting a 50 Caliber Rifle in her sundress at a wedding reception. Bravo, Aileen & Tom. BRAVO!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006


For those of you lucky enough to have pounded an Aquarium (or Six) with Shannon Krause at The Pub in's an update...She stopped drinking long enough for someone to make an honest woman out of her!!! IM NOT EVEN KIDDING!! Krause, congrats. I was going to blast on you for neglecting to invite us to the Beantown nuptuals, but then I remembered, you werent invited to mine, and I still dont even know what your new last name is...but thanks for the pictures, and please dont forget to update us on Roops wedding behaivor, its always good for a story....lets just hope this time around the phrase, "JIM!! Did you get hit by a car?" doesnt arise.

People. Im becoming addicted to this blog. I cant stop. Im going to have to visit Bloggers Anonymous this weekend...

"Hi, My name is Melissa, and Im a Blogaholic"
"Hi, Melissa."
"It started as a way to keep people updated on my chemotherapy issues, but then I started blogging about the plumbing.....I was blogging at work....and after my boss told me to stop I still would creep on for the fix. Its affecting my job. Checking to see what people are posting in the comments has become my drug. Was it 8 comments last time? Or seven? MY GOD I BETTER CHECK!!!"
Crowd Gasps.
Counselor: "People! People! We're not here to judge!!
Crowd Calms down.
Counselor: Lets close....
All: "God grant us the serenity to accept the posts we cannot change; courage to change the posts we can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Seriously people....Im taking a day off tomrrow to detox. Back Sunday night.


John’s working second shift for the next two weeks so for the last week, we’ve really only seen each other sleeping. It’s a bummer! And Ive been meaning to ask him if he ordered this CD that came in the mail the other day. Theres no packing list or anything on it to track where it came from, or who bought it, but it was addressed to me… Has anyone ever heard of the Stand up Brian Regan?? Ive seen him on TV before but I didn’t order the CD and doubt John did. Did someone send this to me? Im afraid to open it. And theres no charge on my card for it either. WEIRD!


These people who fax businesses these generic “Memos from your Human Resources Department” about cheap vacations offered to “The Company”….does ANYONE Actually fall for these things? I get these over my fax all the time and I just want to slap the person who reads these and thinks, “Gee? My Human resource department spent all this time putting this trip together and I only have until FRIDAY to confirm the $99-too-good-to-be-true-food-and-drinks-included trip to the Bahamas???? Id better get on that RIGHT AWAY!” It just annoys me.

Another one is the weight loss supplement legitimate “article” that comes over the fax with a hand written note: “Hey SUE!! This is the stuff I was telling you about! You NEED to check this out!” Ok, again. The person who just reserved their cheap trip to the Bahamas pulls this off the fax and thinks, “Gee!! How lucky am I to have intercepted this fax to Sue? Does Sue even work here? They must have accidentally sent it to the wrong fax number! My lucky day! I better check out this supplement because it sounds like an UNDERGROUND PHENOMENON!!!” Really?? I mean, SOMEONE has got to be thinking that or they wouldn’t keep doing it, right???

Please - Its Friday - PLay along and post what annoys you in the comments section.

Have a great weekend!! - Sorry no exciting pictures from this week - But I shoud have the full wedding report by Sunday night! Stay tuned!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I cant even express how excited we are that this movie is SLLLLOOOOWWWLYY making its way to Cincinnati, although we may not be able to wait for it. We actually kicked the idea around of driving to Chicago for the opening night a few weeks ago, but John had to work. Now I see that its showing in Columbus. We might try and make a Sunday night of it...So exicted. I just dont know that we can hang on till it comes to the 'Nati.

***UPDATE!!! UPDATE!!!*** John just called and said its showing in Clifton!! We'll be there on Sunday...probably the 5p excited are we??

When you read the reviews and it talks about a "Cult-Following?" John and I are smack dab in the middle of it. We own all three seasons on DVD and have taken all the online quizzes, and literally been waiting to see this movie for over a year.

Unfortunately, every time we bring up our exitement to a crowd, we just get Blank stares...SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!! You dont remember this show on Comedy Central??? Thats why Im not going to go on and on about it any further.

(But can I add that these DVD's showed up in late 2003, and I credit them for keeping us laughing during some tough times.)

Looks like Stacy has organized a Girls Nite Out for some old Ohio U. Ruggers...should be a good time - Starting at Stacys and then maybe a limo?? Sounds like we're heading up to Mt. Adams so dont even get me started on the dress code...Either way we loose. Try to dress up like the half-dressed 20 yr old hussies and bitterly make fun of them, or dress like the old Cats-Eye jeans and t-shirt slobs of OHio U....and also, bitterly make fun of the young beautiful people.

Make no mistake about it, if we run into you and you're in an outfit you parents woudl be embarassed to see you in, someones going to call you out....not me of course, Im a spineless wuss, but Jennings? Even Jami when she's feeling saucy...Im just sayin'...dont say you werent warned.

so what DE-Motivational poster describes me today?

This is really one of my favorite posters from SO appropriate! The last few months Ive been quite the flight case at work, thinking about "What it all Means" and "What Am I supposed to do with this experience"...When I dont have that constant influx of stuff to do like it was at my old job at MedCost, I think my brain just slams on the brakes and spends more time trying to pace myself with the few things I have to do, but pacing myself leaves all that "wiggle room" in my brain to drift slowly into la la land. I used to have a work ethic that I was so proud of and I dont know how to get back there! It will just take time I guess.

This weekend Im heading up to Urbana for John's sister Aileen's wedding. He couldnt get off work so Ill be heading up with his Aunt Susan & cousin Katy. Should be a good time! They're combining his love for heavy artillery and her Irish background with, you guessed it, CAMOFLAUGE KILTS for the groom and the best man. I PROMISE to take lots of pictures and give you all the full report when I get back!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Readers, STETSON. STETSON, Readers.

Now that you've been formerly introduced, Im making Stetson the "Person of the Day"...Scratch that. Dena is the Person of the day, so Stetson is officially the "Second Person of the Day"...

Here he is....not the guy drinking, but the guy giving the thumbs up behind him. Bio: from Cleveland, lives in the ATL, plays for the Atlanta Old Whites. He's a fellow Ohio U rugby alumni who, after alumni weekends, writes top ten lists that put mine to shame...ok, im done blowing sunshine up your you know what.

I noticed that he's been spewing his unique sense of humor on the comment sections of this blog, and by "unique", I mean going for the jugular on people he doesnt even know!! "Lisa Perry is DEFINITELY a Fossil?"...HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW HER!!! Dena's "Family Resemblance"???...HES NEVER MET ANYONE IN MY FAMILY, EVER!!

And that's why, Brian "Stetson" Fenik is our "Second Person of the Day." Keep up the good work.

Congrats to my cousin "Chalkbord Buddy" Jenni and her husband Jay on completing thier final step to adopt little Dena. Check it out on her blog - its a great story!! - -

In honor of the new addition, I thought it would be appropriate to give you my best advice on your new RADO family status. Stick to these pieces of advice and you'll do just fine!

Top 10 pieces of advice for joining the RADO Clan:

10 – Its called the Rooster Lamp, and don’t bother putting it on your Christmas List, Cause you’re getting it anyway.

9 – Whether it’s the Rooster Lamp or a Safety Pin, if it comes from Aunt Helen, Look REALLY excited when you open it, because after she has all eyes on you, your picture WILL be taken.

8 – When you bring that 1st boyfriend to family gathering, warn them of Cousin Jeannie…She takes great pride in bringing up embarrassing stories from your childhood. And if she doesn’t know one, she’ll make one up!

7- Aunt Roz is the sap who is always crying. Keep all discussions as emotion-free as possible to avoid this. She’ll still start crying.

6 – Every year you’ll be invited to the Sute reunion. You’ll never actually KNOW how you’re related to the Sute’s, but the Family reunion will always be 50 miles away,hosted by and full of people you don’t know, and please be prepared to bring your own table, chairs, meat, side dish to share, napkins, silverware, and a trash bag to clean it all up.

5 – Although somewhat elusive, Uncle Duke can be summoned immediately by reporting a broken lightbulb at the Immaculate Festival.

4 – You are now officially related to “That Guy” that decorates his pickup truck with Christmas lights for the holidays. Embrace it!

3 – Misbehavior at Family events (specifically wrapping Paper wad fights in tight spaces filled with 40 of us) will almost always end with Roz loudly yelling “EY!” Please refer to Cousin Doug for demo. All the other cousins try to do it but Doug is really the only one who has nailed it. You’ll also hear this at your sporting events when she’s waiting for you to come out of the locker room. That is if you aren’t blinded by her fluorescent orange ball cap first.

2 - If you have Aunt Helen on the phone, it IS acceptable to put the phone down to use the restroom, eat dinner, or catch a rerun of “Friends” anything longer than that and she may catch on!!


1 – Everyone in this family is crazy but me…see me for ANY other questions you might have!!!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006



So we found this rock out front - I say its a fossil of some prehistoric fish, john says its just a naturally occuring rock formation. Please settle this for us!!! Here it is, both sides:

Im leaving it up to the blogosphere to decide...doesnt it look like a fish though?

This may be the LAMEST post of all, but if I go more than two days, I start getting are you happy? All that for fossil verification? Sorry, its all ive got right now.

Im still on this Xeloda and the last time I didnt have any side effects, but today Im getting that Pre-mouth sore sensation (like cottonmouth) and Im just really exhausted. Ill think up something better for tomorrow...Thats all Folks!!

let me know what you think about the FOSSIL!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cin City Sevens!! Here they are, Your Cincy Dayton Womens Rugby Team...(Hey, its still the summer - we havent split yet!!) Despite there being only one other womens team there, they kicked ass...twice...against the same team! Everyone played well. Heres the team: Kristen, Coach Kraemer, Kate from PSU, Laura, Kat, Casey, Kyra, Heather & Eva. Kelts men played great as well.

Kate showed up with the PSU men and picked up a few games with our women and ran in a number of nice tries...(Kate - dont forget...the Cincy girls recruited you FIRST!!...ha ha...ok Ill stop)

LATER THAT NIGHT - - Cincy Dayton Summer Banquet & Philly's 40th Birthday Party HOO-HAW!!! Happy Birthday Philly - To all the women saying they're too old to play rugby, I present to you, Lisa "Never Gonna Stop" Perry - 40 Years Young - Surly Tammy, You're NEXT!! HA!!! (Did I mention that Im not even THIRTY? I feel so young!)

Together for the last time, maybe? The Cincy-Dayton Women's Rugby Club - I cant tell you how HOT it was trying to take this picture...the garage spot light was about FIVE feet away, about 90 degrees, NO WIND, and LOTS of HUMIDITY...

Kate & Lilly Schreel pose for a picture - Too cute!! They're big sisters to Thurman Parker, three weeks old. I was mentioning to Kristen, their mom, that the last time I was diagnosed with Cancer, Kate was just a few weeks old...I looked down at little T.P., and looked up at Kristen and then back at the baby. Chris interjected and said, "Dont worry Fort, We're not having any more" that settles it!!! Ha!!!

It wouldn't be a Cincy Dayton Event with out loud bout of Flip Cup! Can you hear Emily and Stewy's Car alarm going off? It went off..and on (and off and on and off and on) for about a half hour...thank God Stewy was sober enough to deal with it in a quiet and responsible manner. Good Times, Indeedy!!

Well, Gotta get to cleaning, J-Mac has already fired up the grill..its 11:30 and the whole neigborhood smells like a BBQ'd Pork Festival...No Doubt Ill have another post with pics up by the end of the night. Im becoming a blogaholic.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ok - TWO posts today..and this goes out to you Kat...LOTS of pictures!! I posted pics from the "Big Dig" after this one so check that out.

We headed up to Haps last night around 830 and got a nice back spot behind Alligator Purse..SCORE! I was greeted to this sweet cake: (literally and figuratively)

I think its special when you get a cake that has the words "SUX" and "ASS" on it. Not everybody gets that.

It was just your typical, relaxing night on the deck. I was asked about whether or not I would keep the blog up and OF COURSE I AM!!! But what direction will it take you ask? Dont worry, Ive already decided that too.

The other day when I was panicking about Romers office calling be back about the PET scan results and assuming that no news was bad news, I started making ALL SORTS of irrational promises to God about all the things I would do if I could just beat this. This is where I look back and humorously shake my finger at the Big Man because I think he was just sitting up there saying, "REALLY?? What ELSE are you going to do if you get better? Run a Marathon?? REALLY?? Write a book that Lance Armstrong will read about YOU?? GO ON!!"

Ha ha. Very Funny God.

So thats what Im thinking. I told Casey James that last night- about my oath to run a marathon (Shes a runner and did the Flying Pig a few years ago and kicks all our asses in the 5K's) and that she was goign to run it with me. She let out a laugh so hard that Im CERTIAN she thinks I can do it. Oh well. Baby steps. If this turns into Forts Marathon Training SUX, then I promose you it will be YEARS of blogging to come. I luckly didnt put a time frame on this so lets just shoot for sometime before Im 35...(Im gonna regret that someday soon)

Anyway, Ive still got three weeks to go on this last treatment, and one more, so I can drag my feet on the training until I can start to breathe again. I honestly think that when I can breathe again, Ill be so excited Ill just go out and run 26 miles out of pure excitement...ok who are we kidding. Im going to do my four mile jaunt at Winton Woods. But Ill be THINKING about running that marathon the whole time.

Ok - here are the shots from last nite:

Biggest Mike Pours the Champagne for the Campaign!!

Pauly, Harry, Heather, Casey

Thumbs Up!!! Eva, Kat, EBeth & I

Toby, J-Mac & Biggest (I think my husband thinks Im an obsessive sorority girl with my camera so he always gives his best sorority girl smile!! He's still cute though..)

Check out the BIG DIG pictures below...Off to Brimelow for the CinCity Sevens tourney..then off to Philly & Tammy's for the Cincy-Dayton Rugby Summer PIcnic HOO-Haw. (Can someone please tell me what a Hoo Haw is? Would Segal be the Grand Pooh-bah of the Hoo Haw??) Ill be here all night.
The BIG DIG!!! Pictures finally!!

In light of recent news, our big plumbing nightmare took a back seat. And I know how much you all wanted to check this out!

Digging begins...Thanks mom for coming down and taking all these pics!!


You see what Im talking about?? What a MASSIVE dissapointment!! I like to think that that wadded ball of mini roots was cut from a beast like the one in the movie TREMORS...I just wasnt there to get the pics of that.

Heres the snake that lived in our pipes for a few days. We kind of turned it into ta houseboat adventure...and by that I mean putting TeePee in plastic baggies for a few days... I have to say, it was an expensive project, but can you really put a price on a new found appreciation for plumbing?? I think Not.

Friday, July 14, 2006

"Your're gonna want to drink a PITCHER of margaritas tonight!" - Dr. Romer this morning

Yes folks, that was the first thing my oncologist said when he entered the room...Im happy to see that the rest of you knew it all along but I have to admit that Im still sort of in la la land over all of this. He actually used the words "Complete Remission"...WHAT THA????

Romer & I....HE'S THE MAN!!!!

So I still had a round of chemo today, and just one more before I start taking the Xeloda alone. For how long I dont know. Maybe forever? At least until they find a cure (hopefully sooner than later!....that crap is expensive!!)

So back to La La Land. I was still there as I was getting my chemo today, so I asked the nurse for my chart and I started taking pictures of the convince the skeptics, to convince myself!! So without further ado...

My BIG, FAT, MASSIVE Oncology Chart...

Ok - heres a bad report from the first PET...not good - you might have to click on it to actually read it...

Crummy Progress Report from 7/7/06:

Side view of IMPRESSION...I could take a picture of "No Longer Present" a hundred different ways...

I tried to post another picture of the new PET results (I think I took like 4) but it wont let me. I hope Ive convinced you...I still dont know If I convinced myself!

I dont even know what to say...Can you believe that IM at a frigging loss for words? Who knew? I just dont feel that a simple Thank You is suffice for everything that has been offered to me in the last few months... the free meals, the holy water, the prayers, all the positive energy being sent my way, and lets not forget Jennifer cleaning out our disgusting microwave. It just doesnt seem like theres ever going to be a way to express how grateful I am for everything.

We'll be having a celebratory pint at Haps tonight around 8 or 9 if you want to come out. Of course I cant buy you all a pint, (actually I really cant afford to buy any of you a pint) but if luck is on my side, Ill be happy to jot down some potential winning lottery numbers for you, but thats it.

Im sorry that I havent been as eloquent as I should be at a time like this, but Ill be keeping up with the blog and maybe a few weeks from now when I pull my head out of my you-know-what and I start thinking clearly about what all this means, Ill let you know - until then, thanks, and we'll see ya at Haps tonight and Brimelow tomorrow...(no im not playing...YET)